


    $('.hide').hide(); //hides all the hide links on page load

 $('a.show').each(function() { //running iterator function
 var thisLink = $(this);
 $(this).click(function() { // Checks if any show link is clicked
 show(thisLink) // Calling the show function & passing the selector value

$('a.hide').each(function() { //running iterator function
 var thisLink = $(this);
 $(this).click(function() { // Checks if any hide link is clicked
 hide(thisLink) // Calling the hide function & passing the selector value


function show(btn) {
btn.hide(); //hides the element where click was received
btn.next().show(); //displays the next element that in our case is hide link
btn.next().next().slideToggle('slow'); //toggles the next of next element that is details div

function hide(btn) {
btn.hide(); //hides the element where click was received
btn.prev().show(); //displays the previous element that in our case is show link
btn.next().slideToggle('slow'); //again toggles the next element that is details div to hide it



 $('.hide').hide(); //hides all the hide links on page load



function show() {

function hide() {

关于javascript - 具有HTML文本更改的多个SlideToggle Divs,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/24202097/

10-13 02:53