我有一个表名“ demo”,其字段为id(PK),用户和具有以下数据的项目:

id  user item
==  ==== =====
1   anuj    A
2   anuj    A
3   anuj    A
4   anuj    B
5   anuj    B
6   anuj    B
7   patil   A
8   patil   A
9   patil   A
10  rahul   B
11  rahul   B
12  tanmay  A
13  tanmay  A


User   Count of A    Count of B
====   ==========    ===========
anuj   3             3
patil  3             0
rahul  0             2
tanmay 2             0



使用Conditional Aggregate

Case statement聚合内的count将产生1NULL。由于NULL值已由聚合函数消除,因此该计数将仅在满足条件时才考虑对该值进行计数

select User,
      Count(case when item = 'A' then 1 end) as `Count of A`,
      Count(case when item = 'B' then 1 end) as `Count of B`
From yourtable
Group by User

关于mysql - 如何编写将对一个表的同一列中的两种类型的值进行计数的SQL查询?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/32168157/

10-13 02:38