通过Primefaces Datatable,您可以使用属性filterMatchMode配置用于列的过滤类型。



当前,LazyDataModel尚不支持此功能,但是您仍然可以花费很少的精力来使用它。 blemasle posted primefaces论坛上的相应补丁,不幸的是,开发人员仍然没有任何回应。



 * @param tableSearchExpr expression, starting from the view root,
 *        which identifies the datatable to retrieve information from
 * @return map, containing pairs of {@code <filtered field id, match mode>}.
 *         Filtered field id is evaluated from the 'filterBy'
 *         attribute of the column in the following way:
 *         #{item.name} -> name
 *         #{item.category.name} -> category.name
public Map<String, FilterMatchMode> getFiltersMatchMode(String tableSearchExpr) {
    FacesContext context = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
    Object component = context.getViewRoot().findComponent(tableSearchExpr);

    if (null == component) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                    "No component found for search expression: "
                            + tableSearchExpr);
    if (!(component instanceof DataTable)) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                    "Component is not a DataTable: " + tableSearchExpr);

    DataTable table = (DataTable) component;
    Map<String, FilterMatchMode> constraints =
            new HashMap<String, FilterMatchMode>(table.getColumns().size());

    for (UIColumn column : table.getColumns()) {
        ValueExpression filterExpression =
        if (null != filterExpression) {
            String filterExpressionString = filterExpression.
            //evaluating filtered field id
            String filteredField = filterExpressionString.substring(
                    filterExpressionString.indexOf('.') + 1,

            FilterMatchMode matchMode =

            constraints.put(filteredField, matchMode);

    return constraints;

public enum FilterMatchMode {

STARTS_WITH("startsWith"), ENDS_WITH("endsWith"),
CONTAINS("contains"), EXACT("exact");

 * Value of p:column's filterMatchMode attribute
 *     which corresponds to this math mode
private final String uiParam;

FilterMatchMode(String uiParam) {
    this.uiParam = uiParam;

 * @param uiParam value of p:column's filterMatchMode attribute
 * @return MatchMode which corresponds to given UI parameter
 * @throws IllegalArgumentException if no MatchMode
 *          is corresponding to given UI parameter
public static FilterMatchMode fromUiParam(String uiParam) {
    for (FilterMatchMode matchMode : values()) {
        if (matchMode.uiParam.equals(uiParam)) {
            return matchMode;
    throw new IllegalArgumentException("No MatchMode found for " + uiParam);


关于jsf - PrimeFaces DataTable中的filterMatchMode如何工作?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/6670298/

10-13 00:11