This question already has answers here:
Are variables declared with let or const not hoisted in ES6?

// declare variables
const x = 1;
let y = 2;
var z = 3;

console.log(`Global scope - x, y, z: ${x}, ${y}, ${z}`);

if (true) {
    console.log(`A new block scope - x, y, z: ${x}, ${y}, ${z}`);

    // redeclare variables
    // const x = 4;
    let y = 5;
    var z = 6;


$ node variables.js
Global scope - x, y, z: 1, 2, 3
    console.log(`A new block scope - x, y, z: ${x}, ${y}, ${z}`);

ReferenceError: y is not defined




if (true) {
    // inside this block, we lost access to the old x and y because they're going to be redeclared inside this block scope...but we can't use them yet, they haven't been declared yet
    console.log(`A new block scope - x, y, z: ${x}, ${y}, ${z}`);

    // redeclare variables
    const x = 4;
    let y = 5;
    // now we can use the new x and y, 4 and 5 respectively
    var z = 6;

为什么会发生这种情况,JavaScript / Node解释器如何准确读取导致此错误的代码?



if(true) {
        const x;
        let y;
        var z;
        // your code

关于javascript - 为什么在重新分配错误之前在新块中使用let变量? ,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

10-13 00:55