我正在使用命名实体识别和分块器在 NLTK 上做一些工作。为此,我使用 nltk/chunk/named_entity.py 重新训练了一个分类器,并得到了以下测量结果:

ChunkParse score:
    IOB Accuracy:  96.5%
    Precision:     78.0%
    Recall:        91.9%
    F-Measure:     84.4%

但我不明白在这种情况下 IOB Accuracy 和 Precision 之间的确切区别是什么。实际上,我在文档( here )上找到了以下特定示例:

所以,如果 IOB 准确度只是 O 标签的数量,那么在那个例子中,我们为什么没有块并且 IOB 准确度不是 100% 呢?



维基百科上对精确度和准确度之间的区别有非常详细的解释(参见 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Accuracy_and_precision ),简而言之:

accuracy = (tp + tn) / (tp + tn + fp + fn)
precision = tp / tp + fp

回到 NLTK,有一个模块调用 ChunkScore 计算系统的 accuracyprecisionrecall 。这是 NLTK 计算 tp,fp,tn,fnaccuracyprecision 的有趣部分,它以不同的粒度进行。

对于 准确度 ,NLTK 计算使用 POS 标签和 IOB 标签正确猜测的 token 总数 ( NOT CHUNKS !! ),然后除以黄金句中的 token 总数。
accuracy = num_tokens_correct / total_num_tokens_from_gold

对于 精度 召回 ,NLTK 计算:
  • True Positives 通过计算正确猜测的块数 ( NOT TOKENS!!! )
  • False Positives 通过计算猜到但它们是错误的块( NOT TOKENS !!! )的数量。
  • True Negatives 通过计算系统没有猜到的块( NOT TOKENS !!! )的数量。

  • 然后计算精度和召回率:
    precision = tp / fp + tp
    recall = tp / fn + tp

    from nltk.chunk import *
    from nltk.chunk.util import *
    from nltk.chunk.regexp import *
    from nltk import Tree
    from nltk.tag import pos_tag
    # Let's say we give it a rule that says anything with a [DT NN] is an NP
    chunk_rule = ChunkRule("<DT>?<NN.*>", "DT+NN* or NN* chunk")
    chunk_parser = RegexpChunkParser([chunk_rule], chunk_node='NP')
    # Let's say our test sentence is:
    # "The cat sat on the mat the big dog chewed."
    gold = tagstr2tree("[ The/DT cat/NN ] sat/VBD on/IN [ the/DT mat/NN ] [ the/DT big/JJ dog/NN ] chewed/VBD ./.")
    # We POS tag the sentence and then chunk with our rule-based chunker.
    test = pos_tag('The cat sat on the mat the big dog chewed .'.split())
    chunked = chunk_parser.parse(test)
    # Then we calculate the score.
    chunkscore = ChunkScore()
    chunkscore.score(gold, chunked)
    # Our rule-based chunker says these are chunks.
    # Total number of tokens from test sentence. i.e.
    # The/DT , cat/NN , on/IN , sat/VBD, the/DT , mat/NN ,
    # the/DT , big/JJ , dog/NN , chewed/VBD , ./.
    total = chunkscore._tags_total
    # Number of tokens that are guessed correctly, i.e.
    # The/DT , cat/NN , on/IN , the/DT , mat/NN , chewed/VBD , ./.
    correct = chunkscore._tags_correct
    print "Is correct/total == accuracy ?", chunkscore.accuracy() == (correct/total)
    print correct, '/', total, '=', chunkscore.accuracy()
    print "##############"
    print "Correct chunk(s):" # i.e. True Positive.
    correct_chunks = set(chunkscore.correct()).intersection(set(chunkscore.guessed()))
    ##print correct_chunks
    print "Number of correct chunks = tp = ", len(correct_chunks)
    assert len(correct_chunks) == chunkscore._tp_num
    print "Missed chunk(s):" # i.e. False Negative.
    ##print chunkscore.missed()
    print "Number of missed chunks = fn = ", len(chunkscore.missed())
    assert len(chunkscore.missed()) == chunkscore._fn_num
    print "Wrongly guessed chunk(s):" # i.e. False positive.
    wrong_chunks = set(chunkscore.guessed()).difference(set(chunkscore.correct()))
    ##print wrong_chunks
    print "Number of wrong chunks = fp =", len(wrong_chunks)
    print chunkscore._fp_num
    assert len(wrong_chunks) == chunkscore._fp_num
    print "Recall = ", "tp/fn+tp =", len(correct_chunks), '/', len(correct_chunks)+len(chunkscore.missed()),'=', chunkscore.recall()
    print "Precision =", "tp/fp+tp =", len(correct_chunks), '/', len(correct_chunks)+len(wrong_chunks), '=', chunkscore.precision()

    关于python - IOB 准确度和精度的区别,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/17325554/

    10-12 21:55