
#define maxVertices   12
#define INF 55
int min(int a,int b){
    return (a<b)?a:b;
void init(int distance[maxVertices][maxVertices]){
    int iter,jter;
                            distance[iter][jter] = 0;
                            distance[iter][jter] = INF;
void FloydWarshall(int distance[maxVertices][maxVertices],int vertices){
 int k,i,j;
                       if(distance[i][j] > distance[i][k] + distance[k][j])
            distance[i][j] = distance[i][k] + distance[k][j];

int main(){
int i,j;
    int graph[maxVertices][maxVertices];
    int distance[maxVertices][maxVertices];
    int vertices,edges,iter,jter;
    /* vertices represent number of vertices  in the graph. */
    /*initialize distance between all pairs as infinity*/
    int vertex1,vertex2,weight;
    /* Here graph[i][j] represent the weight of edge joining i and j */
            scanf("%d%d%d", &vertex1, &vertex2, &weight);
            graph[vertex1][vertex2] = weight;
            distance[vertex1][vertex2] = weight;
    return 0;}
 8                       MY INPUT
 1 2 6
 2 1 6
1 6 10
2 6 3
3 2 8
4 5 9
5 4 9
5 7 7
6 1 10
6 2 3
7 5 7

  0  1  2  3  4  5  6  7    MY OUTPUT
0-0 55 55 55 55 55 55 55
1-55 0 6 55 55 55  9  55
2-55 6 0 55 55 55  3  55
3-55 14 8 0 55 55 11 55
4-55 55 55 55 0 9 55 16
5-55 55 55 55 9 0 55 7
6-55 9 3 55 55 55 0 55
7-55 55 55 55 16 7 55 0

   0 1  2  3  4  5  6  7      THE ORIGINAL OUTPUT
 0-0 55 55 55 55 55 55 55
 1-55 0 6 14 55 55 9 55
 2-55 6 0  8 55 55 3 55
 3-55 14 8 0 55 55 11 55
 4-55 55 55 55 0 9 55 16
 5-55 55 55 55 9 0 55 7
 6-55 9 3 11 55 55 0 55
 7-55 55 55 55 16 7 55 0

* /


我认为您在输入数据中缺少2 3 8

distance[vertex2][vertex1] = weight;

distance[vertex1][vertex2] = weight;

关于c - C编程语言,弗洛伊德算法,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/10970235/

10-12 21:43