
Max t(w1 - w2) * Kf * Sf * t(Kf) * (w1 - w2)
subject to Kc * w1 = Kc * w2
and sum(w1) = 1 and sum(w2) = 1 and w1,w2 >= 0
Sc and Sf are variance covariance matrices at the coarse and fine level respectively.
Kc and Kf are exposure matrices as the coarse and fine level respectively.
Nc and Nf are nodes at which exposure nodes at the coarse and fine level.

    seqFineNodes <- c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6)

Nc <- c(2, 3, 5)

Kc <- matrix(c(0.2481316799436,0.495478766935844,0,0,0,0,0,0,0.743360061619584,0.497321712603124,0,0,0,0,0,0.497321712603124,1.23913608908603,1.48240730986596), nrow=length(seqFineNodes), ncol=length(Nc))
dimnames(Kc) <- list(as.character(seqFineNodes), as.character(Nc))

Sc <- matrix(c(619.806079280659,627.832850585004,549.805085990891,627.832850585004,668.726833059322,624.524848194842,549.805085990891,624.524848194842,696.498483673357), nrow=length(Nc), ncol=length(Nc))
dimnames(Sc) <- list(as.character(Nc), as.character(Nc))

Nf <- c(2, 3, 4, 5)

Kf <- matrix(c(0.2481316799436,0.495478766935844,0,0,0,0,0,0,0.743360061619584,0,0,0,0,0,0,0.994643425206249,0,0,0,0,0,0,1.23913608908603,1.48240730986596), nrow=length(seqFineNodes), ncol=length(Nf))
dimnames(Kf) <- list(as.character(seqFineNodes), as.character(Nf))

Sf <- matrix(c(619.806079280659,627.832850585004,602.504944834256,549.805085990891,627.832850585004,668.726833059322,666.196728425214,624.524848194842,602.504944834256,666.196728425214,696.688027074344,681.064062606848,549.805085990891,624.524848194842,681.064062606848,696.498483673357), nrow=length(Nf), ncol=length(Nf))
dimnames(Sf) <- list(as.character(Nf), as.character(Nf))

KRD_fine <- Kf
KRD_coarse <- Kc
VC_fine <- Sf
VC_coarse <- Sc
countw <- length(seqFineNodes)

t1 <- diag(x = 1, nrow = countw, ncol = countw)
t2 <- diag(x = -1, nrow = countw, ncol = countw)
tr <- cbind(t1,t2)

D_fine <- t(tr) %*% KRD_fine %*% VC_fine %*% t(KRD_fine) %*% tr
#round(eigen(Dmat)$values, 4)
D_fine <- as.matrix(nearPD(D_fine)$mat)
#round(eigen(Dmat)$values, 4)

eq_coarse_krd_A <- t(KRD_coarse) %*% tr
eq_coarse_krd_b <- rep(0, nrow(VC_coarse))

# Equality constraints
eq_A1 <- c(rep(1, countw), rep(0,countw))
eq_A2 <- c(rep(0, countw), rep(1,countw))
eq_b <- c(1 , 1)

# Constraint wts greater than zero
ineq_A <- diag(x = 1, nrow = 2 * countw, ncol = 2 * countw)
ineq_b <- rep(0, 2 * countw)

# Combine constraints
heq <- rbind(eq_coarse_krd_A, eq_A1, eq_A2)
beq <- c(eq_coarse_krd_b, eq_b)

hin <- ineq_A

theta <- c(1, rep(0, countw - 1), 1, rep(0, countw - 1))

krdsol <- solnp(par = theta,
                fun = function(x) -c(t(x) %*% D_fine %*% x),
                ineqfun = function(x) c(hin %*% x),
                ineqLB = rep(0, 2 * countw),
                ineqUB = rep(1, 2 * countw),
                eqfun = function(x) c(heq %*% x),
                eqB = beq)

krdFine <- auglag(par = theta,
                  fn = function(x) c(t(x) %*% D_fine %*% x),
                  hin = function(x) c(hin %*% x),
                  heq = function(x) c(heq %*% x) - beq,
                  control.outer = list(method = "nlminb"),




krdsol <- solnp(par = theta,
                fun = function(x) c(-t(x) %*% D_fine %*% x),
                ineqfun = function(x) c(hin %*% x),
                ineqLB = rep(0, 2 * countw),
                ineqUB = rep(1, 2 * countw),
                eqfun = function(x) c(heq %*% x),
                eqB = beq)


关于python - 使用R:Rsolnp或Auglag中的线性约束最大化二次目标,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/39401978/

10-12 21:40