

在x86上,Intel's IACA (Intel Architecture Code Analyzer是我所知道的唯一静态分析器。它假定缓存未命中为零,并进行了其他各种简化,但是有些有用。


IACA的数据也有一些错误,例如它认为shld在Sandybridge上运行缓慢。它确实知道一些非显而易见的内容,例如SnB-family CPUs can't micro-fuse 2-register addressing modes的事实。

自从Haswell更新以来,它基本上已被放弃。 Skylake可以在比Haswell更多的执行端口上运行某些指令(请参见Agner Fog's instruction tables),但是管道足够相似,因此结果应该非常有用。另请参见x86标签Wiki上的其他链接,包括英特尔的优化手册,以帮助您理解输出。

我喜欢使用此iaca.sh包装器脚本将-64设置为默认值(可以用-32覆盖)。我忘记了我写了多少(也许只是末尾的if (($# >= 1))位)以及LD_LIBRARY_PATH部分的来源。


myname=$(realpath "$0")
mypath=$(dirname "$myname")

if [ "$LD_LIBRARY_PATH" = "" ]
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="$mypath/$app_loc"
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="$mypath/$app_loc:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH"

if (($# >= 1));then
    exec "$mypath/iaca" -64 "$@"
    exec "$mypath/iaca"  # there is no -help, just run with no args for help output

例如:就地前缀总和,来自SIMD prefix sum on Intel cpu

#include <immintrin.h>

  #define IACA_START
  #define IACA_END
  #include <iacaMarks.h>

// In-place rewrite an array of values into an array of prefix sums.
// This makes the code simpler, and minimizes cache effects.
int prefix_sum_sse(int data[], int n)

//    const int elemsz = sizeof(data[0]);
#define elemsz sizeof(data[0])   // clang-3.5 doesn't allow const int foo = ... as an imm8 arg to intrinsics

    __m128i *datavec = (__m128i*)data;
    const int vec_elems = sizeof(*datavec)/elemsz;
    // to use this for int8/16_t, you still need to change the add_epi32, and the shuffle

    const __m128i *endp = (__m128i*) (data + n - 2*vec_elems);  // pointer to last full vector we can load
    __m128i carry = _mm_setzero_si128();
    for(; datavec <= endp ; datavec += 2) {
        __m128i x0 = _mm_load_si128(datavec + 0);
        __m128i x1 = _mm_load_si128(datavec + 1); // unroll / pipeline by 1
//      __m128i x2 = _mm_load_si128(datavec + 2);
//      __m128i x3;

        x0 = _mm_add_epi32(x0, _mm_slli_si128(x0, elemsz));
        x1 = _mm_add_epi32(x1, _mm_slli_si128(x1, elemsz));

        x0 = _mm_add_epi32(x0, _mm_slli_si128(x0, 2*elemsz));
        x1 = _mm_add_epi32(x1, _mm_slli_si128(x1, 2*elemsz));

        // more shifting if vec_elems is larger

        x0 = _mm_add_epi32(x0, carry);  // this has to go after the byte-shifts, to avoid double-counting the carry.
        _mm_store_si128(datavec +0, x0); // store first to allow destructive shuffle (e.g. non-avx shufps for FP or pshufb for narrow integers)

        x1 = _mm_add_epi32(_mm_shuffle_epi32(x0, _MM_SHUFFLE(3,3,3,3)), x1);
        _mm_store_si128(datavec +1, x1);

        carry = _mm_shuffle_epi32(x1, _MM_SHUFFLE(3,3,3,3)); // broadcast the high element for next vector
    // FIXME: scalar loop to handle the last few elements
    return data[n-1];
    #undef elemsz

$ gcc -I/opt/iaca-2.1/include -Wall -O3 -c prefix-sum.c -march=nehalem -mtune=haswell
$ iaca.sh prefix-sum.o
Intel(R) Architecture Code Analyzer Version - 2.1
Analyzed File - prefix-sum.o
Binary Format - 64Bit
Architecture  - HSW
Analysis Type - Throughput

Throughput Analysis Report
Block Throughput: 6.40 Cycles       Throughput Bottleneck: Port5

Port Binding In Cycles Per Iteration:
|  Port  |  0   -  DV  |  1   |  2   -  D   |  3   -  D   |  4   |  5   |  6   |  7   |
| Cycles | 1.0    0.0  | 5.7  | 1.4    1.0  | 1.4    1.0  | 2.0  | 6.3  | 1.0  | 1.3  |

N - port number or number of cycles resource conflict caused delay, DV - Divider pipe (on port 0)
D - Data fetch pipe (on ports 2 and 3), CP - on a critical path
F - Macro Fusion with the previous instruction occurred
* - instruction micro-ops not bound to a port
^ - Micro Fusion happened
# - ESP Tracking sync uop was issued
@ - SSE instruction followed an AVX256 instruction, dozens of cycles penalty is expected
! - instruction not supported, was not accounted in Analysis

| Num Of |                    Ports pressure in cycles                     |    |
|  Uops  |  0  - DV  |  1  |  2  -  D  |  3  -  D  |  4  |  5  |  6  |  7  |    |
|   1    |           |     | 1.0   1.0 |           |     |     |     |     |    | movdqa xmm3, xmmword ptr [rax]
|   1    | 1.0       |     |           |           |     |     |     |     |    | add rax, 0x20
|   1    |           |     |           | 1.0   1.0 |     |     |     |     |    | movdqa xmm0, xmmword ptr [rax-0x10]
|   0*   |           |     |           |           |     |     |     |     |    | movdqa xmm1, xmm3
|   1    |           |     |           |           |     | 1.0 |     |     | CP | pslldq xmm1, 0x4
|   1    |           | 1.0 |           |           |     |     |     |     |    | paddd xmm1, xmm3
|   0*   |           |     |           |           |     |     |     |     |    | movdqa xmm3, xmm0
|   1    |           |     |           |           |     | 1.0 |     |     | CP | pslldq xmm3, 0x4
|   0*   |           |     |           |           |     |     |     |     |    | movdqa xmm4, xmm1
|   1    |           | 1.0 |           |           |     |     |     |     |    | paddd xmm3, xmm0
|   1    |           |     |           |           |     | 1.0 |     |     | CP | pslldq xmm4, 0x8
|   0*   |           |     |           |           |     |     |     |     |    | movdqa xmm0, xmm3
|   1    |           | 1.0 |           |           |     |     |     |     |    | paddd xmm1, xmm4
|   1    |           |     |           |           |     | 1.0 |     |     | CP | pslldq xmm0, 0x8
|   1    |           | 1.0 |           |           |     |     |     |     |    | paddd xmm1, xmm2
|   1    |           | 0.8 |           |           |     | 0.2 |     |     | CP | paddd xmm0, xmm3
|   2^   |           |     |           |           | 1.0 |     |     | 1.0 |    | movaps xmmword ptr [rax-0x20], xmm1
|   1    |           |     |           |           |     | 1.0 |     |     | CP | pshufd xmm1, xmm1, 0xff
|   1    |           | 0.9 |           |           |     | 0.1 |     |     | CP | paddd xmm0, xmm1
|   2^   |           |     | 0.3       | 0.3       | 1.0 |     |     | 0.3 |    | movaps xmmword ptr [rax-0x10], xmm0
|   1    |           |     |           |           |     | 1.0 |     |     | CP | pshufd xmm1, xmm0, 0xff
|   0*   |           |     |           |           |     |     |     |     |    | movdqa xmm2, xmm1
|   1    |           |     |           |           |     |     | 1.0 |     |    | cmp rdx, rax
|   0F   |           |     |           |           |     |     |     |     |    | jnb 0xffffffffffffff94
Total Num Of Uops: 20



当有选择时,端口之间的uops分配是相当随意的。不要指望它能与真正的硬件相匹配。我认为IACA根本不会为ROB /调度程序建模。在先前的SO问题中已经讨论了此限制和其他限制。尝试在IACA上搜索,因为它是一个非常独特的字符串。

关于c++ - 确定一个代码块需要多少个时钟周期,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/36263258/

10-13 04:09