
Buttt我本人想到的是获取一个坐标范围,即球拍的X和Y以及x&y +宽度和高度,如果球进入这些坐标,它就像在边界处一样简单地反映出来。香港专业教育学院试图做多个if语句,如您在下面的代码中可以看到,但香港专业教育学院也试图做为单个语句,但这是行不通的。没有将调试打印IVE放入实际打印中,但是当我用打印测试坐标范围时,它们看起来很好:D



import pygame
win = pygame.display.set_mode((500,500))
pygame.display.set_caption("First Game")

x = 50
y = 50
width = 10                                      #sets variables for the main paddle
height = 60
vel = 5

ballx = 250
bally = 250
radius = 5
direction = True                                #True is left, False is right
bvel = 4                                        #sets variables for the ball
angle = 0

coordxGT = 0
coordxLT = 0                                    #sets variables for the coordinate ranges of the first paddle for collision
coordyGT = 0
coordyLT = 0

def setCoords():
    coordxGT = x
    coordxLT = x + width
    coordyGT = y                                #This function updates the coords throughout the main loop
    coordyLT = y + height
    coordxLT += radius
    coordyLT += radius

run = True
while run == True:
    for event in pygame.event.get():            #on quit, quit the game and dont throw up an error :)
        if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
            run = False

    if direction == True:                       #Ball movement
        ballx -= bvel
        ballx += bvel

    if ballx<0:
        ballx += bvel
        direction = False
    elif bally<0:
        bally += bvel
    elif ballx>495:                             #if the ball hits an edge
        ballx -= bvel
        direction = True
    elif bally>495:
        bally -= bvel

    if ballx<coordxLT and ballx>coordxGT:
        if bally<coordyLT and bally>coordyGT:                                   #THE PART I CANT FIGURE OUT. If the ball lands within these ranges of coordinates, reflect it and change its direction
            if direction == True:
                ballx += bvel
                direction = False

    keys = pygame.key.get_pressed()                         #gets the keys pressed at that current time

    if keys[pygame.K_DOWN]:
        bally += bvel                                       #Ball control (For debugging)
    if keys[pygame.K_UP]:
        bally -= bvel

    if keys[pygame.K_w]:
        y -= vel
    if keys[pygame.K_a]:
        x -= vel
    if keys[pygame.K_s]:                                    #Paddle controls
        y += vel
    if keys[pygame.K_d]:
        x += vel

    if x<0:
        x += vel
    if y<0:
        y += vel
    if x>80:
        x -= vel                                        #Stops the paddle from moving if it hits a boundary
    if y>440:
                                                        #440 because window height - height of cube
        y -= vel

    pygame.draw.circle(win, (255, 255, 255), (ballx, bally), radius)      #refreshes the screen
    pygame.draw.rect(win,(255,255,255),(x, y, width, height))



def setCoords():
    global coordxGT, coordxLT, coordxLT, coordyLT
    coordxGT = x
    coordxLT = x + width
    coordyGT = y
    coordyLT = y + height
    coordxLT += radius
    coordyLT += radius

注意,如果要在函数的全局名称空间中写入变量,则该变量已解释为全局变量。否则,将创建并设置函数范围内的新变量。请参见global statement

python - 如何将球从桨上反射出来-LMLPHP

关于python - 如何将球从桨上反射出来,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/58898773/

10-12 20:22