我正在尝试从 Morningstar.com 获取财务数据;我想得到 i.e. MSFT yearly revenue data 。它们在主 <div> 表的一行 <div> 中。我按照一些示例来获取主表:

url <- "http://financials.morningstar.com/income-statement/is.html?t=MSFT&region=usa&culture=en-US"
table <- url %>%
 read_html() %>%
 html_nodes(xpath='//*[@id="sfcontent"]/div[3]/div[3]') %>%

但我得到一个空的 list()html_nodes 本身返回一个我不知道如何处理的 {xml_nodeset (0)}


read.csv("http://financials.morningstar.com/ajax/ReportProcess4CSV.html?&t=XNAS:MSFT&region=usa&culture=en-US&cur=&reportType=is&period=12&dataType=A&order=asc&columnYear=5&curYearPart=1st5year&rounding=3&view=raw&r=865827&denominatorView=raw&number=3", skip=1)

   Fiscal.year.ends.in.June..USD.in.millions.except.per.share.data. X2011.06 X2012.06 X2013.06 X2014.06 X2015.06      TTM
1                                                           Revenue 69943.00 73723.00 77849.00 86833.00 93580.00 90758.00
2                                                   Cost of revenue 15577.00 17530.00 20249.00 26934.00 33038.00 31972.00
3                                                      Gross profit 54366.00 56193.00 57600.00 59899.00 60542.00 58786.00
4                                                Operating expenses       NA       NA       NA       NA       NA       NA
5                                          Research and development  9043.00  9811.00 10411.00 11381.00 12046.00 11943.00
6                                 Sales, General and administrative 18162.00 18426.00 20425.00 20632.00 20324.00 19862.00
7                             Restructuring, merger and acquisition       NA       NA       NA   127.00       NA       NA
8                                          Other operating expenses       NA  6193.00       NA       NA 10011.00  8871.00
9                                          Total operating expenses 27205.00 34430.00 30836.00 32140.00 42381.00 40676.00
10                                                 Operating income 27161.00 21763.00 26764.00 27759.00 18161.00 18110.00
11                                                 Interest Expense   295.00   380.00   429.00   597.00   781.00   869.00
12                                           Other income (expense)  1205.00   884.00   717.00   658.00  1127.00   883.00
13                                              Income before taxes 28071.00 22267.00 27052.00 27820.00 18507.00 18124.00
14                                       Provision for income taxes  4921.00  5289.00  5189.00  5746.00  6314.00  5851.00
15                            Net income from continuing operations 23150.00 16978.00 21863.00 22074.00 12193.00 12273.00
16                                                       Net income 23150.00 16978.00 21863.00 22074.00 12193.00 12273.00
17                      Net income available to common shareholders 23150.00 16978.00 21863.00 22074.00 12193.00 12273.00
18                                               Earnings per share       NA       NA       NA       NA       NA       NA
19                                                            Basic     2.73     2.02     2.61     2.66     1.49     1.51
20                                                          Diluted     2.69     2.00     2.58     2.63     1.48     1.50
21                              Weighted average shares outstanding       NA       NA       NA       NA       NA       NA
22                                                            Basic  8490.00  8396.00  8375.00  8299.00  8177.00  8114.00
23                                                          Diluted  8593.00  8506.00  8470.00  8399.00  8254.00  8183.00
24                                                           EBITDA 31132.00 25614.00 31236.00 33629.00 25245.00 24983.00

将浏览器开发者工具的“网络”选项卡设为您的 BFF 非常有用。

(该 URL 来自检查“导出”按钮的功能)。

关于r - 使用 R 和 rvest 抓取财务数据,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/34981137/

10-12 17:18