

#include "stdafx.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;

void printpart1(int length, string *printpart1[18]) {
    int dummy;
    for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
        cout << (printpart1 + i) << endl;

    cin >> dummy;


int main() {
    const int ARRAY_SIZE = 18;
    int dummy;
    string part1[ARRAY_SIZE] = { "An example of a career associated with computer studies is a Software Engineer. To become a",
        "Software Engineer, a minimum of a Bachelor’s Degree in Software Engineering is required which ",
        "could be obtained by first going into Engineering in post-secondary and choosing Software ",
        "Engineering as your major. Alternatively you could get a degree in Computer Sciences or another ",
        "closely related field. While a Bachelor’s Degree is enough to get some jobs, some employment ",
        "opportunities may require a Master’s Degree. Tuition for Engineering at the University of Western ",
        "Ontario for Canadian students is around $6000 and requires four years for a Bachelor’s degree. ",
        "This means with tuition alone it will cost around $24000 for the minimum qualifications. This price is  ",
        "much higher factoring in books, living, food etc. An employee in this field makes an average of ",
        "$80000 yearly and could get a variety of benefits depending on the company employing them. An  ",
        "average day for a software engineer varies by company but generally seems to begin with a few  ",
        "hours of good work, followed by a break to walk around and talk to coworkers about either personal  ",
        "things or work related affairs followed by more coding. Some days there are interviews with clients  ",
        "where a software engineer and the client communicate and discuss details of the project. The ",
        "majority of the average workday of a Software Engineer is spent programming. ",
        "https://www.univcan.ca/universities/facts-and-stats/tuition-fees-by-university/ ",

    string *part1PTR = part1;

    printpart1(ARRAY_SIZE, &part1PTR);





cout << *(printpart1 + i) << endl;


printpart1(int length, string *printpart1)


printpart1(ARRAY_SIZE, part1PTR);

关于c++ - 如何使此代码在字符串而不是内存地址中输出实际文本?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/54858462/

10-12 00:02