查看底部的最后一个函数 i_at()。

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <malloc.h>
#define nl printf("\n")
#define pf printf
#define si(a) scanf("%d",&a)
#define sc(a) scanf("%c",&a);
struct node{
    int val;
    struct node *next;
struct node *first,*last,*damn,*temp,*prev,*newnode;
void i_beg();
void i_end();
void display();
void del();
void i_at();
struct node *create(int);
    int val,i,j; char key;val=1;
    while(val<6 && val>0){
        pf("\n1.Start \t2.End \t3.Display\t4.Delete\t5.Insert\t6.Exit\n------------------------------------------------\n");
                case 1: i_beg(); break;
                case 2: i_end(); break;
                case 3: display();break;
                case 4: del(); break;
                case 5: i_at();break;
                case 6: exit(0);break;

struct node * create(int val){
    newnode = (struct node *)malloc(sizeof( struct node));
    if(newnode == NULL)
        pf("Oops! You have gone out of memory\n");
        return 0;
        newnode -> val = val;
        newnode -> next = NULL;
        return newnode;

void i_beg(){
    int x;
    //if(first -> val == last -> val && first == NULL) pf("Only one node exists!!!\n ");
    pf("Enter a value to insert\t");
    si(x);  newnode = create(x);
    if(first == last && first == NULL)
        first = last = newnode;
        first -> next = NULL;
        last -> next = NULL;
        pf("\n %d inserted at first\n",x);
        temp = first;
        first = newnode;
        first -> next = temp;
        pf("\n %d inserted at first\n",x);
void i_end(){
    int x;
    //if(first -> val == last -> val && first == NULL) pf("Only one node exists!!!\n ");
    pf("Enter a value to insert\t");
    si(x);  newnode = create(x);
    if(first == last && first == NULL)
        first = last = newnode;
        first -> next = NULL;
        last -> next = NULL;
        pf("\n %d inserted at last\n",x);
        last -> next = newnode;
        last = newnode;
        last -> next = NULL;
        pf("\n %d inserted at last\n",x);
void display(){
    prev = first;
    while(prev != NULL)
        pf("%d -> ",prev -> val);
        prev  = prev -> next;
    }pf(" NULL");
void del(){
    pf("Enter the position to delete\t");
    int i,pos;si(pos);
    for(prev = first,i=1 ; i<pos-1 ; prev=prev->next,i++);// not i< pos but i<pos-1
    temp = prev -> next;
    prev -> next =  temp->next;
void i_at(){
    pf("Enter the position to add after this position\t");
    int i,pos;si(pos);
    for(prev = first,i=1 ; i<pos ; prev=prev->next,i++);
    pf("Enter a value to insert\t");
    si(i);  newnode = create(i);
    temp = prev;

    // order of these statements is important
    newnode -> next = temp -> next;
    prev -> next = newnode;
    pf("%d inserted after position %d\n",i,pos);

prev -> next = newnode;
newnode -> next = temp -> next;

那么 display() 函数出错了。但是如果我将这两行的顺序颠倒为
newnode -> next = temp -> next;
prev -> next = newnode;


例如:要将 b 连接到 a&c,连接 (b->c first, a->b second)OR(a->b first, b->c second) 无关紧要。



temp = prev;

您没有复制结构,您只是将名称 prev 与名称 temp 别名化,因为两者都是指针。

prev -> next = newnode;
newnode -> next = temp -> next;

您正在更改 nextprev 的字段 temp 的值,第二条语句不正确。


关于c - 链表 - 在中间插入,链接新节点,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/34449537/

10-11 23:02