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我已经用登录名aa1,aa2 .. zz99配置了多个用户,都使用相同的密码,现在我想使用这些登录ID登录到基于php的服务器。我有一个工作脚本,该脚本使用用户名和密码登录一个用户,并使用curl导航到目标页面:


$ sHost = $ argv [2];
$ sStart = $ argv [3];
$ sReqId = $ argv [4];
$ sPage = $ argv [5];
$ sReqLogFile = $ argv [6];
$ sRespLogFile = $ argv [7];
$ sUserName = $ argv [8];
$ sPassword = $ argv [9];
$ sExecDelay = $ argv [10];
if($ argc> 11)

$ sCommonSID = $ argv [11];
// $ sXhprofLogFile =“”;
$ sSysStatsLogFile =“”;
$ sBaseUrl ='https://'.$sHost.'/';
$ nExecTime = 0;
$ sCookieFileName ='cookiejar /'。genRandomString()。'。txt';
touch($ sCookieFileName);

$ sStart + = $ sExecDelay;

if(isset($ sCommonSID))
$ sSID = $ sCommonSID;
$ sSID = getSID($ sHost,$ sBaseUrl,$ sUserName,$ sPassword);


} while(getFullMicrotime()$ sPage,
“ pageUrl” => $ sBaseUrl,
“ execStart” => $ nExecStart,
“ execEnd” => $ nExecEnd,
“ respTime” => $ nExecTime,
“ xhprofToken” => $ sXhpToken,
“ xhprofLink” => $ sXhpLink,
“ fiveMinLoad” => $ nFiveMinLoad);
$ nExecStart = 0;
$ sUrl =“ ***错误***”;
$ aReturn = null;
writeReqLog($ sReqId,$ nExecStart,$ sSID,$ sUrl,$ sReqLogFile);
返回$ aReturn;

$ fMtime = microtime(true);
if(strpos($ fMtime,'')!==否)
list($ nUsec,$ nSec)= explode('',$ fMtime);
返回$ nSec + $ nUsec;
返回$ fMtime;

函数writeRespLog($ nReqId,$ sHost,$ sPage,$ sSID =“ *** ERROR ***”,$ nExecStart = 0,$ nExecEnd = 0,$ nRespTime = 0,$ sXhpToken =“”,$ sXhpLink =“ “,$ nFiveMinLoad = 0,$ sRespLogFile)
$ sMsg = $ nReqId;
$ sMsg。=“” \ t“。$ sHost;
$ sMsg。=“ /".$sPage;
$ sMsg。=“ \ t”。$ sSID;
$ sMsg。=“ \ t”。$ nExecStart;
$ sMsg。=“ \ t”。$ nExecEnd;
$ sMsg。=“ \ t”。$ nRespTime;
$ sMsg。=“ \ t”。$ sXhpToken;
$ sMsg。=“” \ t“。$ nFiveMinLoad;
error_log($ sMsg。“ \ n”,3,$ sRespLogFile);

函数writeReqLog($ nReqId,$ nExecStart,$ sSID,$ sUrl,$ sReqLogFile)
$ sMsg = $ nReqId;
$ sMsg。=“ \ t”。$ sUrl;
$ sMsg。=“ \ t”。$ sSID;
$ sMsg。=“ \ t”。$ nExecStart;
error_log($ sMsg。“ \ n”,3,$ sReqLogFile);

函数parseSIDValue($ sText)
$ sSID =“”;
preg_match('/ SID:(。*)/',$ sText,$ aSID);
如果(count($ aSID))
$ sSID = $ aSID [1];
返回$ sSID;

函数parseFiveMinLoad($ sText)
$ nLoad = 0;
$ aMatch = array();
preg_match('/-5-MIN-LOAD:(。*)-/',$ sText,$ aMatch);
如果(count($ aMatch))
$ nLoad = $ aMatch [1];
返回$ nLoad;

函数curlRequest($ sUrl,$ sSID =“”)
全局$ sCookieFileName;
$ ch = curl_init();
curl_setopt($ ch,CURLOPT_URL,$ sUrl);
curl_setopt($ ch,CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST,2);
curl_setopt($ ch,CURLOPT_HEADER,1);
curl_setopt($ ch,CURLOPT_USERAGENT,“ Mozilla / 4.0(兼容; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.0)”);
curl_setopt($ ch,CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER,1);
if($ sSID ==“”)
curl_setopt($ ch,CURLOPT_COOKIEJAR,$ sCookieFileName);
curl_setopt($ ch,CURLOPT_COOKIEFILE,$ sCookieFileName);
$ result = curl_exec($ ch);
curl_close($ ch);
返回$ result;

函数parseXHProfToken($ sPageContent)
$ sToken =“”;
$ sRelLink =“”;
$ aMatch = array();
$ aResp = array();
preg_match('/ $ sToken,“ relLink” => $ sRelLink);
返回$ aResp;

$ length = 10;
$ characters ='0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz';
$ string ='';
对于($ p = 0; $ p



function login($sHost, $sStart,$sReqId, $sPage, $sReqLogFile,
               $sRespLogFile, $sUserName, $sPassword, $sExecDelay) {


foreach ($users as $sUserName=>$sPassword) {

关于php - 我该如何使用curl从一个php脚本登录多个用户,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

10-11 20:37