我想用数组调用 Text.Printf 函数 printf 但我找不到方法。

import Text.Printf

printfa :: (PrintfArg a) => String -> [a] -> String
printfa format args = step (printf format) args
    step :: (PrintfType r, PrintfArg a) => r -> [a] -> r
    step res (x:[]) = res x
    step res (x:xs) = step (res x) xs

printfa' :: (PrintfArg a) => String -> [a] -> String
printfa' format args = foldr (\arg p -> p arg) (printf format) args

main = putStrLn $ printfa "%s %s" ["Hello", "World"]

GHC 错误是:
    Couldn't match type `r' with `a1 -> r'
      `r' is a rigid type variable bound by
          the type signature for
            step :: (PrintfType r, PrintfArg a1) => r -> [a1] -> r
          at printfa.hs:8:5
    The function `res' is applied to one argument,
    but its type `r' has none
    In the expression: res x
    In an equation for `step': step res (x : []) = res x

    The function `p' is applied to one argument,
    but its type `String' has none
    In the expression: p arg
    In the first argument of `foldr', namely `(\ arg p -> p arg)'
    In the expression: foldr (\ arg p -> p arg) (printf format) args

(为什么:我正在编写 DSL 并希望提供 printf 功能。)


首先,认识到PrintfArg a => [a]不是一个异构列表。也就是说,即使IntString都是PrintfArg的实例,[ 1 :: Int, "foo" ]也不是有效的构造。

因此,如果您确实定义了一个函数:: PrintfArg a => String -> [a] -> String,那么所有的args都将被约束为同一类型。


{-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification #-}
import Text.Printf

data PrintfArgT = forall a. PrintfArg a => P a

printfa :: PrintfType t => String -> [ PrintfArgT ] -> t
printfa format = printfa' format . reverse
  where printfa' :: PrintfType t => String -> [ PrintfArgT ] -> t
        printfa' format [] = printf format
        printfa' format (P a:as) = printfa' format as a

main = do
  printfa "hello world\n" []
  printfa "%s %s\n" [ P "two", P "strings"]
  printfa "%d %d %d\n" (map P $ [1 :: Int, 2, 3])
  printfa "%d %s\n" [ P (1 :: Int), P "is the loneliest number" ]


当您拥有foo :: Constraint a => a -> t时,请确保foo将对Constraint的所有实例都有效。尽管存在一个可以接受参数的PrintfType实例,但并非所有实例都可以。因此,您的编译器错误。

相反,当您拥有foo :: Constraint a => t -> a时,您可以确保foo将返回Constraint的任何所需实例。同样,调用者可以选择哪个实例。这就是为什么我的代码有效的原因-当printfa'递归时,它需要递归调用才能从(PrintfArg a, PrintfType t) => a -> t实例返回一个值。

对于您的第二次尝试,编译器会提示,因为foldr要求迭代之间的累加值具有相同的类型。 GHC注意到累积值必须是函数类型(PrintfArg a, PrintfType t) => a -> t,因为您将其应用于迭代函数中。但是,您返回的应用值可以确定为t类型。这意味着t等于a -> t,GHC不喜欢它,因为它不允许无限类型。因此,它提示。

{-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
import Text.Printf

data PrintfArgT = forall a. PrintfArg a => P a
data PrintfTypeT = T { unT :: forall r. PrintfType r => r }

printfa :: PrintfType t => String -> [ PrintfArgT ] -> t
printfa format = unT . foldl (\(T r) (P a) -> T $ r a ) (T $ printf format)

关于Haskell printf参数作为数组,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/18243480/

10-11 17:50