。再次运行文件。仍然收到TabError消息。 :retab!
。再次运行文件。仍然收到TabError消息。 :retab! 4
。再次运行文件。这次可以用,但是我不知道为什么?另外,在文件中缩进似乎过长。 (我读了here,编辑器可能会为一个选项卡显示8个空格)我的问题是:
和:retab! 4
是什么意思? :retab
对我的文件不起作用?#!/usr/bin/env python
#Reduce function for computing matrix multiply A*B
#Input arguments:
#variable n should be set to the inner dimension of the matrix product (i.e., the number of columns of A/rows of B)
import sys
import string
import numpy
#number of columns of A/rows of B
n = int(sys.argv[1])
#Create data structures to hold the current row/column values (if needed; your code goes here)
currentkey = None
alist = [] # list for elelents in A
blist = [] # list for elements in B
# input comes from STDIN (stream data that goes to the program)
for line in sys.stdin:
#Remove leading and trailing whitespace
line = line.strip()
#Get key/value
key, value = line.split('\t',1)
print(key, value)
#Parse key/value input (your code goes here)
key = (key.split(',', 1)[0], key.split(',',1)[1])
value = (value.split(',', 1)[0], value.split(',',1)[1], value.split(',',1)[2])
#If we are still on the same key...
if key==currentkey:
#Process key/value pair (your code goes here)
# store all values in a lisl
if value[0]=='A':
alist.append([value[1], value[2]])
blist.append([value[1], value[2]])
#Otherwise, if this is a new key...
#If this is a new key and not the first key we've seen, i.e. currentkey!=None
if currentkey:
#compute/output result to STDOUT (your code goes here)
alist = sorted(alist)
blist = sorted(blist)
newlist = [a[1]*b[1] for a,b in zip(alist, blist)]
res = newlist.sum()
print(currentkey, res)
currentkey = key
#Process input for new key (your code goes here)
只需在Vim中键入:help retab
前缀应用于整个文件。 :set list
也可以向您显示每个字符,它也很有用;这将向您显示制表符和行尾(使用:set nolist
禁用)和:set <name>
,而没有值可以查看当前值,ex : set tabstop
通过显示所有字符,使用:set expandtab
和:set noexpandtab
启用和禁用制表符扩展为空格,设置tabstop并用于ex。 :retab! 4
这个链接vim settings for python可能也有用
关于python - 使用Vim Retab解决TabError : inconsistent use of tabs and spaces in indentation?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/48735671/