我对标题感到非常抱歉,但是用几个词来描述我的问题有点困难。我想这篇文章的其余部分会更好地解释它! ;)




[x][x] [0][0]

[0][0] [x] [0]

[0][0] [x] [0]

[0][0][0] [x]

在不需要符号 x 的地方,那应该给我两个新数组:

[x][x] [0][0]

[x][x][x] [0]

[x][x][x] [0]



[0][0] [x][x]

[0][0] [x][x]

[0][0][0] [x]


在我的特定情况下,我有空对象作为 x,其余的有一个任意对象。基本上,如果我不能在不跨越空值的情况下从图块 A 到达图块 B,那么这两个是两个不同的组。

我已经在脑子里玩了一段时间,我能想出的最好的肯定比 O(n^2) 差得多,因为它们甚至首先工作。 Flood fill 让人想起可以用来查找组的东西,但除此之外,我不确定我能想出任何其他类似的问题来在这种情况下使用。


所以我要问的是,您是否碰巧知道解决我的问题的方向和/或如何解决它。计算复杂度并不是那么重要,因为我不打算经常执行此操作,也不打算在大型数组上执行此操作。不过,我希望我没有遇到 NP 难题! :3




我将解释两种不同的方法来解决这个问题。一个将按照您的预期使用 Flood Fill ,另一个将使用 Disjoint-set 数据结构。


假设您有一个矩阵 N x M,其中 (row, column) 的位置在未使用时为 null,否则它包含一个值。

您需要遍历每行 1..M 的每个列元素 1..N 。这很简单:

for row in range(1, N + 1):
  for column in range(1, M + 1):
    if matrix[row][column] is not null:
      floodfill(matrix, row, column)

每次发现非null值都需要调用Flood Fill算法,后面我会定义Flood Fill方法,原因就更清楚了。
def floodfill(matrix, row, column):
  # I will use a queue to keep record of the positions we are gonna traverse.
  # Each element in the queue is a coordinate position (row,column) of an element
  # of the matrix.
  Q = Queue()

  # A container for the up, down, left and right directions.
  dirs = { (-1, 0), (1, 0), (0, -1), (0, 1) }

  # Now we will add our initial position to the queue.
  Q.push( (row, column) )

  # And we will mark the element as null. You will definitely need to
  # use a boolean matrix to mark visited elements. In this case I will simply
  # mark them as null.
  matrix[row][column] = null

  # Go through each element in the queue, while there are still elements to visit.
  while Q is not empty:

    # Pop the next element to visit from the queue.
    # Remember this is a (row, column) position.
    (r, c) = Q.pop()

    # Add the element to the output region.
    region.add( (r, c) )

    # Check for non-visited position adjacent to this (r,c) position.
    # These are:
    #   (r + 1, c): down
    #   (r - 1, c): up
    #   (r, c - 1): left
    #   (r, c + 1): right
    for (dr, dc) in dirs:

      # Check if this adjacent position is not null and keep it between
      # the matrix size.
      if matrix[r + dr][c + dc] is not null
         and r + dr <= rows(matrix)
         and c + dc <= colums(matrix):

        # Then add the position to the queue to be visited later
        Q.push(r + dr, c + dc)

        # And mark this position as visited.
        matrix[r + dr][c + dc] = null

  # When there are no more positions to visit. You can return the
  # region visited.
  return region



我认为更昂贵的另一个解决方案是使用 Disjoint-set 数据结构来实现相同的目的。我只会展示对 floodfill 方法的更改。
def floodfill(matrix):
  disjoint_set = DisjointSet()

  # Go through each row in the matrix
  for row in range(1, N + 1):

    # Go through each column in the matrix
    for column in range(1, M + 1):

      # Create a set for the current position
      disjoint_set.makeSet(row, column)

      if matrix[row - 1][column] is not null:
        # If the position north of it it is not null then merge them
        disjoint_set.merge((row, column), (row - 1, column))

      if matrix[row][column - 1] is not null:
        # If the position left of it it is not null then merge them
        disjoint_set.merge((row, column), (row, column - 1))

  # You can go through each position identifying its set and do something with it
  for row in range(1, N + 1):
    for column in range(1, M + 1):
      regions[ disjoint_set.find(row, column) ] = (row, column)

  return regions



关于arrays - 算法 - 查找连接的瓷砖组,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/10667497/

10-11 07:38