previous post 中,我看到了如何在运行时使用 F# 反射从单个装箱 Map 对象 Map<'k,'v> 获取键。我试图扩展这个想法并传递一个装箱 Map 对象数组 Map<'k,'v>[] ,但我找不到扩展原始单对象方法以将对象数组作为参数的方法。我想出了一个有效但看起来不对的解决方案。我正在寻找一种更好、更惯用的方式。

在下面的代码中,keysFromMap 从单个装箱的 Map<'k,'v> 参数中获取一个键数组; keysFromMapArray 是我第一次尝试从盒装的 Map<'k,'v>[] 参数中做同样的事情 - 但它不起作用 - keysFromMapArrayWithCast 确实有效,但必须在 FromMapArrayWithCast getter 级别进行向下转换似乎不正确。

我从运行 keysFromMapArray 得到的错误消息(test2 注释掉了):

{System.ArgumentException: Object of type 'System.Object[]' cannot be converted to type 'Microsoft.FSharp.Collections.FSharpMap`2[System.String,System.Int32][]'.

我的问题:为什么扩展 keysFromMap 方法以采用 Maps 参数数组不起作用,以及如何修复它以使其起作用?

module Example =
    open System

    let foo1 = [| ("foo11", 11); ("foo12", 12) |] |> Map.ofArray
    let foo2 = [| ("foo21", 21); ("foo22", 22) |] |> Map.ofArray

    type KeyGetter =
        static member FromMap<'K, 'V when 'K : comparison>(map:Map<'K, 'V>) =
            [| for kvp in map -> kvp.Key |]

        static member FromMapArray<'K, 'V when 'K : comparison>(maps:Map<'K, 'V>[]) =
            maps |> (fun mp -> [| for kvp in mp -> kvp.Key |]) |> Array.concat

        static member FromMapArrayWithCast<'K, 'V when 'K : comparison>(omaps:obj[]) =
            let typedmaps = [| for omp in omaps -> omp :?> Map<'K, 'V> |]  // -- DOWNCASTING HERE --
            typedmaps |> (fun mp -> [| for kvp in mp -> kvp.Key |]) |> Array.concat

    let keysFromMap (oMap : obj) : obj[] =
        let otype = oMap.GetType()
        match otype.Name with
        | "FSharpMap`2" ->
                .Invoke(null, [| box oMap |]) :?> obj[]
        | _             ->

    let keysFromMapArray (oMaps : obj[]) : obj[] =
        // skipped : tests to check that oMaps is not empty, and that all elements have the same type...
        let otype = oMaps.[0].GetType()
        match otype.Name with
        | "FSharpMap`2" ->

                .Invoke(null, [| box oMaps |]) :?> obj[] // -- FAILS HERE --
        | _             ->

    let keysFromMapArrayWithCast (oMaps : obj[]) : obj[] =
        // skipped : tests to check that oMaps is not empty, and that all elements have the same type...
        let otype = oMaps.[0].GetType()
        match otype.Name with
        | "FSharpMap`2" ->

                .Invoke(null, [| box oMaps |]) :?> obj[]
        | _             ->

    let main argv =
        printfn "#test1: keys from Map<'k,'v> - works"
        let test = keysFromMap foo1

        // printfn "#test2: keysFromArray from Map<'k,'v>[] - FAILS"
        // let test = keysFromMapArray [| foo1; foo2 |]

        printfn "#test3: keysFromArrayWithCast from obj[] - works"
        let test = keysFromMapArrayWithCast [| foo1; foo2 |]

        Console.ReadKey() |> ignore
        0 // return exit code 0



> type K = static member F(x:int[]) = 3
let f x = typeof<K>.GetMethod("F").Invoke(null, [|(x:obj[])|])
f [|2; 3|];;
System.ArgumentException: Object of type 'System.Object[]' cannot be converted to type 'System.Int32[]'.
   at System.RuntimeType.TryChangeType(Object value, Binder binder, CultureInfo culture, Boolean needsSpecialCast)
   at System.Reflection.MethodBase.CheckArguments(Object[] parameters, Binder binder, BindingFlags invokeAttr, CultureInfo culture, Signature sig)
   at System.Reflection.RuntimeMethodInfo.InvokeArgumentsCheck(Object obj, BindingFlags invokeAttr, Binder binder, Object[] parameters, CultureInfo culture)
   at System.Reflection.RuntimeMethodInfo.Invoke(Object obj, BindingFlags invokeAttr, Binder binder, Object[] parameters, CultureInfo culture)
   at <StartupCode$FSI_0002>.$FSI_0002.main@()
Stopped due to error

> type K = static member F(x:int[]) = 3
let f x = typeof<K>.GetMethod("F").Invoke(null, [|(x:'a[])|]) // unconstrained!
f [|2; 3|];;
type K =
    static member F : x:int [] -> int
val f : x:'a [] -> obj
val it : obj = 3

这可以应用于 keysFromMapArray
    let keysFromMapArray (oMaps : 'a[]) : obj[] =

关于reflection - F# 反射 : Passing an Array as Argument to MethodInfo. 调用,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

10-11 06:54