

 qno  qshortcode
 504   what do you want
 515   what is your name
 541   what is your address
 other..  others question


 qno   paid_respo   paid_rev    sys_date
 504    yes         0.60       2014-12-16 04:14:40
 515    no          0.42       2014-12-17 04:14:40

现在我想从给定qshortcodequestion_detailsqno(504 and 515)表中的paid_respo从paid_response获得qshortcode from,其中pay_rev not = 0.00且在两个日期之间

what do you want    what is your name   //fetching from `question_details` table
yes                  no                 //fetching from `paid_response` table with respect to `qno` where paid_rev not 0.00

我的代码用于获取 question_details`表

//DB connection goes here

$query=mysql_query("select qshortcode from question_details where qno=504 or qno='515'");
echo '<tr>';
for($i = 0; $row = mysql_fetch_array($query);$i++) {
echo '<td>'.$row['qshortcode'].'</td>';
echo '</tr>';
} ?>


what do you want what is your name

 //cant fetch paid_respo of specific qshortcode below this where paid_rev not euqals to 0.00 or blank



//DB connection goes here

$query=mysql_query("select qshortcode,paid_respo from question_details left join paid_response on paid_response.qno=question_details.qno  where question_details.qno in (504,515)");

     echo '<table>';
        while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($query)) {
        echo '<tr>';//to show each response as one row.
        echo '<td>'.$row['qshortcode'].'</td>';//what do you want
        echo '<td>'.$row['paid_respo'].'</td>';//yes
        echo '</tr>';
    echo '</table>'


关于php - 如何从mysql提取行到表头以及与该头相关的特定数据,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/27604080/

10-11 05:15