class Parent
class A_child : public Parent
  void A_method();
class B_child : public Parent
  void B_method();
void main()
  A_child a;
  Parent *p = &a;
  B_child *b = (B_child*)&p;

这段代码是C ++。当我们试图将“猫”转换为“狗”时,这是一个逻辑错误。但这有效。谁能解释原因和方式?



ParentB_child的基数,因此可以很好地实现从类型Parent *pB_child*的转换。但是,仅当p确实指向B_child实例的基础子对象时,才定义通过此转换后的指针访问指向的对象的行为。


 - working
 - not working
 - random output
 - non-random output
 - the expected output
 - unexpected output
 - no output
 - any output
 - crashing at random
 - crashing always
 - not crashing at all
 - corruption of data
 - different behaviour, when executed on another system
 -                    , when compiled with another compiler
 -                    , on tuesday
 -                    , only when you are not looking
 - same behaviour in any or all of the above cases
 - anything else within the power of the computer (hopefully limited by the OS)


关于c++ - 哎呀,垂头丧气,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

10-11 04:41