
sysuse auto, clear
gen pricehigh = 0
replace pricehigh = 1 if price > 6165

tabulate foreign pricehigh, summarize(weight) means label

                          Means of Weight (lbs.)

           |      pricehigh
  Car type |         0          1 |     Total
  Domestic | 3,080.513  4,026.923 | 3,317.115
   Foreign | 2,118.462  2,601.111 | 2,315.909
     Total |     2,840  3,443.636 | 3,019.459


estpost tabulate foreign pricehigh, summarize(weight) means label
option summarize() not allowed




sysuse auto, clear

generate pricehigh = 0
replace pricehigh = 1 if price > 6165

tabout foreign pricehigh using table.tex, style(tex) content(mean weight) sum replace

type table.tex

\begin{tabularx} {14} {@{} l Y Y Y @{}}
& \multicolumn{3}{c}{pricehigh}  \\
 & 0 & 1 & Total \\
 & Mean weight & Mean weight & Mean weight \\
Car type \\
Domestic & 3,080.5 & 4,026.9 & 3,317.1 \\
Foreign & 2,118.5 & 2,601.1 & 2,315.9 \\
Total & 2,840.0 & 3,443.6 & 3,019.5 \\


sysuse auto, clear
generate pricehigh = 0
replace pricehigh = 1 if price > 6165

matrix A = J(3, 3, 0)

summarize weight if !foreign & !pricehigh, meanonly
matrix A[1,1] = r(mean)

summarize weight if !foreign & pricehigh, meanonly
matrix A[1,2] = r(mean)

summarize weight if !foreign, meanonly
matrix A[1,3] = r(mean)

summarize weight if foreign & !pricehigh, meanonly
matrix A[2,1] = r(mean)

summarize weight if foreign & pricehigh, meanonly
matrix A[2,2] = r(mean)

summarize weight if foreign, meanonly
matrix A[2,3] = r(mean)

summarize weight if !pricehigh, meanonly
matrix A[3,1] = r(mean)

summarize weight if pricehigh, meanonly
matrix A[3,2] = r(mean)

summarize weight, meanonly
matrix A[3,3] = r(mean)

matrix colnames A = 0 1 Total
matrix rownames A = Domestic Foreign Total

esttab matrix(A), title(Means of Weight (lbs.)) mtitles(pricehigh) gaps

Means of Weight (lbs.)
                        0            1        Total
Domestic         3080.513     4026.923     3317.115

Foreign          2118.462     2601.111     2315.909

Total                2840     3443.636     3019.459


关于export - 将带有两个分组依据变量的摘要表导出到LaTeX,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/42653942/

10-11 02:14