我正在尝试获取从Process.GetProcesses()方法获取的OS上正在运行的进程的所有文件路径,它在x64 .NET应用程序下可以正常工作,但是如果我尝试从x86迭代进程列表,情况将会改变。 NET应用程序,因为Process.MainModule.FileName属性会引发Win32异常(以我的本地语言显示),例如:A 32 bit process can't access to 64 bit process modules,好的,我理解了问题,但是如何解决?

引发此异常的代码示例(在x86 .NET解决方案下,而不是AnyCPU下):

Dim path As String =

我看到了使用WMI查询获取64位进程文件路径的另一种方法,但是这种方法似乎并不是更有效的方法,我正在寻找一种更好的方法,也许是通过.NET Framework类库,而不会弄乱WMI接口。


为每个进程查询WMI将会非常缓慢。您应该做的是返回所有类,然后按进程ID进行“托管比较”。在下面的示例中,我读取了每个类的所有属性,并将每个类映射到其对应的Process。执行时间:165.53 ms。注意,这包括Process.GetProcesses()。不,我没有超级计算机。


Imports System.Management

Public Class Win32Process

    Public Property Caption() As String
    Public Property CommandLine() As String
    Public Property CreationClassName() As String
    Public Property CreationDate() As DateTime?
    Public Property CSCreationClassName() As String
    Public Property CSName() As String
    Public Property Description() As String
    Public Property ExecutablePath() As String
    Public Property ExecutionState() As UInt16?
    Public Property Handle() As String
    Public Property HandleCount() As UInt32?
    Public Property InstallDate() As DateTime?
    Public Property KernelModeTime() As UInt64?
    Public Property MaximumWorkingSetSize() As UInt32?
    Public Property MinimumWorkingSetSize() As UInt32?
    Public Property Name() As String
    Public Property OSCreationClassName() As String
    Public Property OSName() As String
    Public Property OtherOperationCount() As UInt64?
    Public Property OtherTransferCount() As UInt64?
    Public Property PageFaults() As UInt32?
    Public Property PageFileUsage() As UInt32?
    Public Property ParentProcessId() As UInt32?
    Public Property PeakPageFileUsage() As UInt32?
    Public Property PeakVirtualSize() As UInt64?
    Public Property PeakWorkingSetSize() As UInt32?
    Public Property Priority() As UInt32?
    Public Property PrivatePageCount() As UInt64?
    Public Property ProcessId() As UInt32?
    Public Property QuotaNonPagedPoolUsage() As UInt32?
    Public Property QuotaPagedPoolUsage() As UInt32?
    Public Property QuotaPeakNonPagedPoolUsage() As UInt32?
    Public Property QuotaPeakPagedPoolUsage() As UInt32?
    Public Property ReadOperationCount() As UInt64?
    Public Property ReadTransferCount() As UInt64?
    Public Property SessionId() As UInt32?
    Public Property Status() As String
    Public Property TerminationDate() As DateTime?
    Public Property ThreadCount() As UInt32?
    Public Property UserModeTime() As UInt64?
    Public Property VirtualSize() As UInt64?
    Public Property WindowsVersion() As String
    Public Property WorkingSetSize() As UInt64?
    Public Property WriteOperationCount() As UInt64?
    Public Property WriteTransferCount() As UInt64?

    Public Shared Function GetProcesses() As Win32Process()
        Using searcher As New ManagementObjectSearcher("select * from Win32_Process")
            Return (
                    item As ManagementObject
                    searcher.[Get]().Cast(Of ManagementObject)()
                Select New Win32Process() With {
                    .Caption = CType(item.Properties("Caption").Value, String),
                    .CommandLine = CType(item.Properties("CommandLine").Value, String),
                    .CreationClassName = CType(item.Properties("CreationClassName").Value, String),
                    .CreationDate = ManagementUtils.ToDateTime(item.Properties("CreationDate").Value),
                    .CSCreationClassName = CType(item.Properties("CSCreationClassName").Value, String),
                    .CSName = CType(item.Properties("CSName").Value, String),
                    .Description = CType(item.Properties("Description").Value, String),
                    .ExecutablePath = CType(item.Properties("ExecutablePath").Value, String),
                    .ExecutionState = CType(item.Properties("ExecutionState").Value, UInt16?),
                    .Handle = CType(item.Properties("Handle").Value, String),
                    .HandleCount = CType(item.Properties("HandleCount").Value, UInt32?),
                    .InstallDate = ManagementUtils.ToDateTime(item.Properties("InstallDate").Value),
                    .KernelModeTime = CType(item.Properties("KernelModeTime").Value, UInt64?),
                    .MaximumWorkingSetSize = CType(item.Properties("MaximumWorkingSetSize").Value, UInt32?),
                    .MinimumWorkingSetSize = CType(item.Properties("MinimumWorkingSetSize").Value, UInt32?),
                    .Name = CType(item.Properties("Name").Value, String),
                    .OSCreationClassName = CType(item.Properties("OSCreationClassName").Value, String),
                    .OSName = CType(item.Properties("OSName").Value, String),
                    .OtherOperationCount = CType(item.Properties("OtherOperationCount").Value, UInt64?),
                    .OtherTransferCount = CType(item.Properties("OtherTransferCount").Value, UInt64?),
                    .PageFaults = CType(item.Properties("PageFaults").Value, UInt32?),
                    .PageFileUsage = CType(item.Properties("PageFileUsage").Value, UInt32?),
                    .ParentProcessId = CType(item.Properties("ParentProcessId").Value, UInt32?),
                    .PeakPageFileUsage = CType(item.Properties("PeakPageFileUsage").Value, UInt32?),
                    .PeakVirtualSize = CType(item.Properties("PeakVirtualSize").Value, UInt64?),
                    .PeakWorkingSetSize = CType(item.Properties("PeakWorkingSetSize").Value, UInt32?),
                    .Priority = CType(item.Properties("Priority").Value, UInt32?),
                    .PrivatePageCount = CType(item.Properties("PrivatePageCount").Value, UInt64?),
                    .ProcessId = CType(item.Properties("ProcessId").Value, UInt32?),
                    .QuotaNonPagedPoolUsage = CType(item.Properties("QuotaNonPagedPoolUsage").Value, UInt32?),
                    .QuotaPagedPoolUsage = CType(item.Properties("QuotaPagedPoolUsage").Value, UInt32?),
                    .QuotaPeakNonPagedPoolUsage = CType(item.Properties("QuotaPeakNonPagedPoolUsage").Value, UInt32?),
                    .QuotaPeakPagedPoolUsage = CType(item.Properties("QuotaPeakPagedPoolUsage").Value, UInt32?),
                    .ReadOperationCount = CType(item.Properties("ReadOperationCount").Value, UInt64?),
                    .ReadTransferCount = CType(item.Properties("ReadTransferCount").Value, UInt64?),
                    .SessionId = CType(item.Properties("SessionId").Value, UInt32?),
                    .Status = CType(item.Properties("Status").Value, String),
                    .TerminationDate = ManagementUtils.ToDateTime(item.Properties("TerminationDate").Value),
                    .ThreadCount = CType(item.Properties("ThreadCount").Value, UInt32?),
                    .UserModeTime = CType(item.Properties("UserModeTime").Value, UInt64?),
                    .VirtualSize = CType(item.Properties("VirtualSize").Value, UInt64?),
                    .WindowsVersion = CType(item.Properties("WindowsVersion").Value, String),
                    .WorkingSetSize = CType(item.Properties("WorkingSetSize").Value, UInt64?),
                    .WriteOperationCount = CType(item.Properties("WriteOperationCount").Value, UInt64?),
                    .WriteTransferCount = CType(item.Properties("WriteTransferCount").Value, UInt64?)
        End Using
    End Function

End Class

Friend Class ManagementUtils

    Friend Shared Function ToDateTime(value As Object) As DateTime?
        If (value Is Nothing) Then
            Return CType(Nothing, DateTime?)
        End If
        Return ManagementDateTimeConverter.ToDateTime(CType(value, String))
    End Function

End Class


Dim watch As New Stopwatch()


Dim result As New Dictionary(Of Process, Win32Process)
Dim processes As Win32Process() = Win32Process.GetProcesses()

    Sub(p As Process)
        SyncLock result
            result.Add(p, (From item In processes.AsEnumerable() Where (item.ProcessId.HasValue AndAlso (CUInt(p.Id) = item.ProcessId.Value)) Select item).FirstOrDefault())
        End SyncLock
    End Sub)


Debug.WriteLine("Time: {0} ms, Win32ProcessCount={1}, ProcessCount={1}", watch.Elapsed.TotalMilliseconds, processes.Length, result.Count)
Debug.WriteLine(String.Join(Environment.NewLine, (From pair As KeyValuePair(Of Process, Win32Process) In result Select String.Format("Id={0}, Matched={1}", pair.Key.Id.ToString("X8"), (Not pair.Value Is Nothing)))))


时间:165.53毫秒,Win32ProcessCount = 96,ProcessCount = 96 ************** Id = 00001B1C,Matched = TrueId = 000019FC,Matched = TrueId = 000006EC,Matched = TrueId = 000007B0,Matched = TrueId = 00001CC0,Matched = TrueId = 00001024,Matched = TrueId = 00000AC0,Matched = TrueId = 0000078C,Matched = TrueId = 00001BA8,Matched = TrueId = 00000B7C,Matched = TrueId = 00000304,Matched = TrueId = 0000079C,Matched = TrueId = 00000238,Matched = TrueId = 00000F80,Matched = TrueId = 000003C0,Matched = TrueId = 00000170,Matched = TrueId = 00000234,Matched = TrueId = 00001634,Matched = TrueId = 00000230,Matched = TrueId = 00001B94,Matched = TrueId = 00000540,匹配= TrueId = 00001254,匹配= TrueId = 00001A04,匹配= TrueId = 000002EC,匹配= TrueId = 00000474,匹配= TrueId = 00000910,匹配= TrueId = 000005B8,匹配= TrueId = 000004F0,匹配= TrueId = 00000114,匹配= TrueId = 000015D8,Matched = TrueId = 00000738,Matched = TrueId = 0000144C,Matched = TrueId = 0000133C,Matched = TrueId = 00001384,Matched = TrueId = 000007F8,Matched = TrueId = 00000294,Matched = TrueId = 000012BC,Matched = TrueId = 0000 0D58,Matched = TrueId = 00000B08,Matched = TrueId = 00001F08,Matched = TrueId = 00000AFC,Matched = TrueId = 00000B04,Matched = TrueId = 00001750,Matched = TrueId = 000008B0,Matched = TrueId = 0000199C,Matched = TrueId = 000001C0,匹配= TrueId = 00000970,匹配= TrueId = 00000720,匹配= TrueId = 0000136C,匹配= TrueId = 000001B8,匹配= TrueId = 000001B4,匹配= TrueId = 000012A0,匹配= TrueId = 00000D3C,匹配= TrueId = 0000093C,匹配= TrueId = 00001890,Matched = TrueId = 000012D0,Matched = TrueId = 000003F8,Matched = TrueId = 00000330,Matched = TrueId = 00000AE0,Matched = TrueId = 00000954,Matched = TrueId = 000002B4,Matched = TrueId = 00000C64,Matched = TrueId = 00000574,Matched = TrueId = 00001FD4,Matched = TrueId = 000018BC,Matched = TrueId = 00001A44,Matched = TrueId = 00000B94,Matched = TrueId = 00000630,Matched = TrueId = 000003E0,Matched = TrueId = 00000004,Matched = TrueId = 0000102C,匹配= TrueId = 000005C0,匹配= TrueId = 00000000,匹配= TrueId = 000009D0,匹配= TrueId = 00000C1C,匹配= TrueId = 00000218,匹配= TrueId = 00000A88,匹配= TrueId = 0000 0B70,Matched = TrueId = 000002D4,Matched = TrueId = 00000398,Matched = TrueId = 0000020C,Matched = TrueId = 000009B8,Matched = TrueId = 0000082C,Matched = TrueId = 00001298,Matched = TrueId = 000009B0,Matched = TrueId = 00000760,匹配= TrueId = 00000F40,匹配= TrueId = 00000758,匹配= TrueId = 00001128,匹配= TrueId = 000005C8,匹配= TrueId = 00000C24,匹配= TrueId = 00001900,匹配= TrueId = 0000124C,匹配= TrueId = 00001148,匹配= TrueId = 0000120C,匹配= TrueId = 00000CA8,匹配=真

关于.net - 从x86应用程序获取x64进程mainmodule的位置?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/26110621/

10-10 21:43