2019-11-07 10:44:26.800 973-973/ I/FIAM.Headless: Setting display event listener
2019-11-07 10:44:27.460 973-973/ I/FIAM.Headless: went foreground
2019-11-07 10:44:28.690 973-973/ I/FIAM.Headless: Removing display event listener
I was facing same problem, I fixed it by following below steps:
1. Do not call finish() while starting the MainActivity.
2. Start MainActivity using startActivityForResult(intent, 100).
3. onBackPress() of MainActivity call setResult(100) before call finish().
4. In onActivityResult() of SplashActivity check if response code is equal to 100 then call finish().
Please up-vote if you found helpful to you.
关于android - App Messaging中的Firebase不断删除显示事件监听器,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/58744255/