我在编译该文件时遇到了麻烦,在“Incdntno.Value”的编译过程中,它始终给出 undefined variable 错误。我尝试将Dim Incdntno设置为Integer,但随后获得了无效的限定词。我有一个类似的代码可以工作(请参阅第二个代码块)。我不需要工作代码部分的大量内容,因此将其删除。如果有人可以指出我在第一个代码块中哪里出了问题,我将非常感激。非常感谢你

Private Sub Incdntno_AfterUpdate()
  Dim conn As ADODB.Connection
  Dim sSQL As String

  Set conn = CurrentProject.Connection

  If IsNull([Incdntno]) Then
    Me.Dirty = False
  End If
  Dim Incident As String
  Incident = Incdntno.Value
  sSQL = "INSERT INTO tblFieldIncident_Complaint_InspHist ( Incdntno, InspectID, Dt_Inspect ) SELECT " & [Incdntno] & ", " & [InspectID] & ", " & [InspDate] & " FROM tblInspect WHERE Incdntno='" & Incident & "';"
  conn.Execute sSQL

    Exit Sub

End Sub

Private Sub InspectType_AfterUpdate()
  Dim conn As ADODB.Connection
  Dim sSQL As String
  Dim wYesNo As Integer
  On Error GoTo ProcErr

  If Not mbNewRecord Then
wYesNo = MsgBox("Changing the inspection type will erase the current entries and insert items specific to the new inspection. Proceed?", vbYesNo, "Inspection item update")
    If wYesNo <> vbYes Then GoTo ProcExit
  End If

   Set conn = CurrentProject.Connection
  If Not mbNewRecord Then
conn.Execute "DELETE FROM tblInspectItems WHERE InspectID=" & InspectID
  End If

  If IsNull([InspectID]) Then
    Me.Dirty = False
  End If
  Dim inspType As String
  inspType = InspectType.Value
  sSQL = "INSERT INTO tblInspectItems ( ItemID, InspectID ) SELECT ItemID, " & [InspectID] & " FROM tblRefInspectItemCodes WHERE InspectType='" & inspType & "';"
  conn.Execute sSQL

    Exit Sub

  ErrMsg ("frmInspect.InspectType_AfterUpdate")
  Resume ProcExit
End Sub



关于sql - 'Incdntno.Value'的 undefined variable ,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/22075109/

10-10 18:55