




* -- Bindings support -- */

/* Sets the class used when creating a new row in the "rows" binding; this class should be KVC and KVO compliant for the key paths listed below.  By default this is NSMutableDictionary */
- (void)setRowClass:(Class)rowClass;
- (Class)rowClass;

/* Set and get the key path for the row type, which is used to get the row type in the "rows" binding.  The row type is a value property of type NSRuleEditorRowType.  The default is @"rowType". */
- (void)setRowTypeKeyPath:(NSString *)keyPath;
- (NSString *)rowTypeKeyPath;

/* Set and get the key path for the subrows, which is used to determined nested rows in the "rows" binding.  The subrows property is an ordered to-many relationship containing additional bound row objects. The default is @"subrows". */
- (void)setSubrowsKeyPath:(NSString *)keyPath;
- (NSString *)subrowsKeyPath;

/* Set and get the criteria key path, which determines the criteria for a row in the "rows" binding.  (The criteria objects are what the delegate returns from - ruleEditor: child: forCriterion: withRowType:).  The criteria property is an ordered to-many relationship. The default is @"criteria". */
- (void)setCriteriaKeyPath:(NSString *)keyPath;
- (NSString *)criteriaKeyPath;

/* Set and get the display values key path, which determines the display values for a row (the display values are what the delegate returns from - ruleEditor: displayValueForCriterion: inRow:).  The criteria property is an ordered to-many relationship. The default is @"displayValues". */
- (void)setDisplayValuesKeyPath:(NSString *)keyPath;
- (NSString *)displayValuesKeyPath;

@interface BindObject : NSObject

@property (nonatomic, assign) NSInteger rowType;
@property (nonatomic, strong) NSMutableArray *subrows;
@property (nonatomic, strong) NSMutableArray *displayValues;
@property (nonatomic, strong) NSMutableArray *criteria;


// binding custom class as row class
[self.ruleEditor setRowClass:[BindObject class]];




我找到了this article,它应该可以帮助您了解NSRuleEditor的工作方式。

关于objective-c - 将NSRuleEditor与数组绑定(bind),我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/9081976/

10-12 00:33