
def adjacent_hanoi(num_discs, start_peg, end_peg):
Given the number of discs in Adjacent-Peg Tower of Hanoi:
1. Prints each move necessary to solve the puzzle (minimum number of moves)
2. Returns the total number of moves required

For this problem, discs should always start on the first peg and
end on the last peg.

num_discs: an integer number of discs
start_peg: starting peg
end_peg: ending peg
returns: an integer number of moves

if num_discs > 0:
    adjacent_hanoi(num_discs-1, start_peg, end_peg)
    print "Move disc", num_discs, "from peg", start_peg, "to peg", 2
    adjacent_hanoi(num_discs-1, end_peg, start_peg)
    print "Move disc", num_discs, "from peg", 2 , "to peg", end_peg
    adjacent_hanoi(num_discs-1, start_peg, end_peg)



class Counter(object):
    def __init__(self, func):
        self.func = func
        self.count = 0
    def __call__(self, *args):
        self.count += 1
        return self.func(*args)
def your_function():
    return "Hello"

for i in range(10):
     print your_function()

print your_function.count #=> 10

关于python - 计算递归调用-汉诺塔,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/19282445/

10-10 10:36