
Installing AFNetworking 2.0.0-RC3 (was 2.0.0-RC3)
Installing Bolts (1.1.0)
Installing Facebook-iOS-SDK 3.14.1 (was 3.8.0)
Installing FontAwesomeKit (2.1.5)
Installing FontasticIcons 0.5.0 (was 0.5.0)
Installing JXHTTP (1.0.0)
Installing MBProgressHUD 0.8 (was 0.8)
Installing NSData+Base64 (1.0.0)
Installing RNFrostedSidebar (0.2.0)
Installing SSToolkit 1.0.4 (was 1.0.4)
[!] /bin/bash
set -e
echo "This Pod relies on the removed \`pre_install\` or \`post_install\` hooks and therefore will no longer continue to work. Please try updating to the latest version of this Pod or updating the Pod specification. See http://blog.cocoapods.org/CocoaPods-Trunk/ for more details." && exit 1

This Pod relies on the removed `pre_install` or `post_install` hooks and therefore will no longer continue to work. Please try updating to the latest version of this Pod or updating the Pod specification. See http://blog.cocoapods.org/CocoaPods-Trunk/ for more details.

任何人的想法,该怎么做才能纠正此错误。这与Pod或任何特定的 repo 相关吗? ?



 pod 'SSToolkit', :git => 'https://github.com/soffes/sstoolkit.git', :commit => '1403f02cb98f8357f4b8e43c59d9c69d608d7bed'

关于xcode - POD错误。 Pod依赖于删除的\`pre_install\`或\`post_install\`,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/23805175/

10-13 09:03