
public static final String KEYBOARD =
        "q2we4r5ty7u8i9op-[=zxdcfvgbnjmk,.;/' ";  // keyboard layout

给定该字符串,字符串的第i个字符对应于440 * 2(i-24)/ 12的频率。例如:字符“ q”为110Hz,“ i”为220Hz,“ v”为440Hz, “”(空格键)为880Hz。

public class Guitar37 implements Guitar {
   public static final String KEYBOARD =
      "q2we4r5ty7u8i9op-[=zxdcfvgbnjmk,.;/' ";  // keyboard layout

   private GuitarString[] strings;
   private int currentTime;

   public Guitar37() {
      currentTime = 0;
      strings = new GuitarString[37];

      for (int i = 0; i < 37; i++) {
         strings[i] = new GuitarString(440 * Math.pow(2, (i - 24) / 12));

   public void playNote(int pitch) {
      strings[pitch + 24].pluck();

   public boolean hasString(char key) {
      return KEYBOARD.indexOf(key) != -1;

   public void pluck(char key) {
      if(!hasString(key)) {
         throw new IllegalArgumentException();


   public double sample() {
      double sum = 0.0;

      for (int i = 0; i < 37; i++) {
         sum += strings[i].sample();
      return sum;

   public void tic() {
      for (int i = 0; i < 37; i++) {

   public int time() {
      return currentTime;


  [110、116、123、130、138、146、155、164、174、184、195、207、220、233、246、261、277、293、311、329、349、369、391、415、440 ,466、493、523、554、587、622、659、698、739、783、830、880]




// This class is used for debugging the Guitar37 class.  It is not an example
// to be emulated.  When a string is plucked, it is set to the integer part of
// the string's frequency plus 0.25.  It goes down by 10 each time tic is
// called until it becomes less than or equal to 10 when it is set to 0.

import java.util.*;

public class GuitarString {
    static Set<Integer> nums = new TreeSet<>();  // observed frequency values
    double value;
    double freq;

    public GuitarString(double frequency) {
        freq = frequency;
        nums.add((int) frequency);

    public void pluck() {
        value = (int) freq + 0.25;

    public void tic() {
        if (value <= 10) {
            value = 0.0;
        } else {
            value = value - 10;

    public double sample() {
        return value;


// This is a program that can be used to test the basic functionality of the
// Guitar37 class.  It does not test all of the functionality.
// The main method has an array of 37 frequency values that should be produced
// by a correctly working Guitar37 class.  The actual frequencies don't all end
// in 0.25, but this version of GuitarString converts them to that form so that
// it is easier to understand the output produced by the program.  In
// particular, it is easier to see if it is properly adding new values as notes
// are played.

import java.util.*;

public class Test37 {
    public static final String KEYBOARD =
        "q2we4r5ty7u8i9op-[=zxdcfvgbnjmk,.;/' ";  // keyboard layout

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        double[] frequencies =
            {110.25, 116.25, 123.25, 130.25, 138.25, 146.25, 155.25, 164.25,
             174.25, 184.25, 195.25, 207.25, 220.25, 233.25, 246.25, 261.25,
             277.25, 293.25, 311.25, 329.25, 349.25, 369.25, 391.25, 415.25,
             440.25, 466.25, 493.25, 523.25, 554.25, 587.25, 622.25, 659.25,
             698.25, 739.25, 783.25, 830.25, 880.25};

        Guitar g = new Guitar37();
        compare(frequencies, GuitarString.nums);
        for (int i = 0; i < KEYBOARD.length(); i++) {
            int note = i - 24;
            System.out.println("Playing note " + note + " (initially " +
                               frequencies[i] + ")");
            advance(g, 4);
            char key = KEYBOARD.charAt(i);
            System.out.println("Plucking string '" + key + "'");
            if (g.hasString(key)) {
                advance(g, 4);
            } else {
                System.out.println("ERROR: not recognizing key '" + key + "'");
            System.out.println("making an extra call on tic");
            // throw in an extra call on tic without calling time and sample

        // now test a few unsupported values of pitch which should be ignored
        // but should not throw an exception
        int[] unsupportedPitch = {-32, -25, 13, 18};
        for (int n : unsupportedPitch) {
            System.out.println("testing playNote for unsupported pitch " + n);
            advance(g, 4);

    // This method advances the simulation the given number of tics reporting
    // the time reading and sample values from the given guitar.
    public static void advance(Guitar g, int tics) {
        for (int i = 0; i < tics; i++) {
            System.out.println("time " + g.time() + " sample = " + g.sample());

    // This method compares the array nums with the set of numbers in nums2,
    // suspending program execution if the two sets of numbers differ.
    public static void compare(double[] nums, Set<Integer> nums1) {
        Set<Integer> nums2 = new TreeSet<>();
        for (double n : nums) {
            nums2.add((int) n);
        if (!nums1.equals(nums2)) {
            System.out.println("Wrong frequencies for Guitar37 construction.");
            System.out.println("should be approximately: " + nums2);
            System.out.println("yours are approximately: " + nums1);



strings[i] = new GuitarString(440 * Math.pow(2, (i - 24) / 12))


strings[i] = new GuitarString(440 * Math.pow(2, (double)(i - 24) / 12))

关于java - 我的类(class)没有返回完整的值范围,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/59874530/

10-10 10:12