Dependencies are :
runtime "org.brickred:socialauth:4.7"
compile "org.brickred:socialauth:4.7"
我的socialauth Controller 是
def authenticate(){
SocialAuthConfig config = SocialAuthConfig.getDefault()
//You can also pass input stream, properties object or properties file name.
//Create an instance of SocialAuthManager and set config
SocialAuthManager manager = new SocialAuthManager()
// URL of YOUR application which will be called after authentication
String successUrl = grailsApplication.config.auth.redirect.url
// get Provider URL to which you should redirect for authentication.
// id can have values "facebook", "twitter", "yahoo" etc. or the OpenID URL
String url = manager.getAuthenticationUrl(params.id, successUrl)
session.setAttribute("authManager", manager)
redirect (url:url)
def getUserProfile(){
// get the auth provider manager from session
SocialAuthManager manager = (SocialAuthManager)session.getAttribute("authManager");
// Pass request parameter map while calling connect method.
Map<String, String> paramsMap = SocialAuthUtil.getRequestParametersMap(request);
// call connect method of manager which returns the provider object.
AuthProvider provider = manager.connect(paramsMap);
Profile profile = provider.getUserProfile();
log.debug"user profile"+profile
// log.debug"contact"+ provider.getContactList()
catch(SocialAuthManagerStateException exception){
log.error("Exception occurs while connecting with SocialAuthManager--->"+exception.getMessage())
googleapis.com.consumer_key = XXXXXXXXXXXXXX
googleapis.com.consumer_secret = XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
这是Version的问题,您可以使用social auth 4.6,它可以正常工作
关于java - 状态参数值与期望值不匹配,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/27505265/