DWORD Snapshots::getWindow(const char* windowName)

    initVariables::hSnapshot = CreateToolhelp32Snapshot(TH32CS_SNAPPROCESS, 0);
    PROCESSENTRY32 pEntry; /// new variable named pEntry, that works around tagPROCESSENTRY32
    pEntry.dwSize = sizeof(PROCESSENTRY32); /// compiler will deny any other value that doesn't fit in tagPROCESSEENTRY32  /// also using tagPROCESENTRY32
        if (!strcmp(pEntry.szExeFile, windowName))  /// we compare the found exe to the exe's name we need.

        return 0;
    } while(Process32Next(initVariables::hSnapshot, &pEntry));  /// 1. arg = our handle 2. arg  = us referencing pEntry as our lpme

    return 0;




由于代码使用的是Win32 API的TCHAR版本,因此应使用_tcscmp()进行匹配:

#include <tchar.h>

DWORD Snapshots::getWindow(const char* windowName)
    initVariables::hSnapshot = CreateToolhelp32Snapshot(TH32CS_SNAPPROCESS, 0);
    if (initVariables::hSnapshot == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
        return 0;

    PROCESSENTRY32 pEntry; /// new variable named pEntry, that works around tagPROCESSENTRY32
    pEntry.dwSize = sizeof(PROCESSENTRY32); /// compiler will deny any other value that doesn't fit in tagPROCESSEENTRY32 /// also using tagPROCESENTRY32

    if (Process32First(initVariables::hSnapshot, &pEntry))
            if (!_tcscmp(pEntry.szExeFile, windowName)) /// we compare the found exe to the exe's name we need.

        while (Process32Next(initVariables::hSnapshot, &pEntry)); /// 1. arg = our handle 2. arg = us referencing pEntry as our lpme


    return 0;


#include <tchar.h>

DWORD Snapshots::getWindow(const char* windowName)
    initVariables::hSnapshot = CreateToolhelp32Snapshot(TH32CS_SNAPPROCESS, 0);
    if (initVariables::hSnapshot == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
        return 0;

    PROCESSENTRY32 pEntry; /// new variable named pEntry, that works around tagPROCESSENTRY32
    pEntry.dwSize = sizeof(PROCESSENTRY32); /// compiler will deny any other value that doesn't fit in tagPROCESSEENTRY32 /// also using tagPROCESENTRY32

    if (Process32FirstA(initVariables::hSnapshot, &pEntry))
            if (!strcmp(pEntry.szExeFile, windowName)) /// we compare the found exe to the exe's name we need.

        while (Process32NextA(initVariables::hSnapshot, &pEntry)); /// 1. arg = our handle 2. arg = us referencing pEntry as our lpme


    return 0;

关于c++ - WCHAR类型的参数与const char *类型的参数不兼容,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/59002920/

10-17 01:28