我正在尝试实现 hasPathSum()意味着对于给定的数字,根到叶节点之间是否存在任何路径。


 Given a tree and a sum, returns true if there is a path from the root
 down to a leaf, such that adding up all the values along the path
 equals the given sum.
 Strategy: subtract the node value from the sum when recurring down,
 and check to see if the sum is 0 when you run out of tree.

boolean hasPathSum(Node node, int sum) {
  // return true if we run out of tree and sum==0
  if (node == null){
    return(sum == 0);
  else {
  // otherwise check both subtrees
    int subSum = sum - node.data;
    return(hasPathSum(node.left, subSum) || hasPathSum(node.right, subSum));


我在想这个 如果 应该是
  • if(node.left==null && node.right==null)

  • 如果我错了请清除我的困惑

             / \
            2   1



    您真的应该编写代码并尝试一下 - 这样您会学到很多东西。 (编辑:我当然是......)

    我相信 hasPathSum(tree, 7) 的原始代码失败,因为节点 2 不是叶子。


    由于明显错误而撤回了原始代码 - 至少对除我之外的所有人来说都是显而易见的 :-)


    我的新解决方案如下。请注意,包含的优化 ( if (sum <= node.data) ) 假设树由所有 数据值组成。如果树具有零或负数据值,则应删除或调整它。 (感谢@Mark Peters)。

    另请注意有关处理 hasPathSum(null, 0) 的答案评论中的讨论。

    static boolean hasPathSumBert(final Node node, final int sum) {
        // return true if we run out of tree and sum==0
        if (node == null) {                                   // empty tree
            // choose one:
            return (sum == 0);
            //return false;
        } else if (node.left == null && node.right == null) { // leaf
            return (sum == node.data);
        } else if (sum <= node.data) {                        // sum used up
            return false;
        } else {                                              // try children
            return (node.left != null  && hasPathSumBert(node.left, sum - node.data)) ||
                   (node.right != null && hasPathSumBert(node.right, sum - node.data));

    public class TreeTest {
        static class Node {
            int data;
            Node left;
            Node right;
            Node(final int data, final Node left, final Node right) {
                this.data = data;
                this.left = left;
                this.right = right;
        public static void main(final String[] args) {
            final Node three = new Node(3, null, null);
            final Node two = new Node(2, three, null);
            final Node one = new Node(1, null, null);
            final Node five = new Node(5, two, one);
            final Node tree = five;
            for (int i = 0; i <= 10; i++) {
                System.out.println(i + "");
                System.out.println("original = " + hasPathSum(tree, i));
                System.out.println("bert     = " + hasPathSumBert(tree, i));
                System.out.println("mark     = " + hasPathSumMark(tree, i));
            System.out.println("hasPathSumBert(null, 0): "+ hasPathSumBert(null, 0));
            System.out.println("hasPathSumBert(null, 1): "+ hasPathSumBert(null, 1));
        static boolean hasPathSum(final Node node, final int sum) {
            // return true if we run out of tree and sum==0
            if (node == null) {
                return (sum == 0);
            } else {
                // otherwise check both subtrees
                final int subSum = sum - node.data;
                return (hasPathSum(node.left, subSum) || hasPathSum(node.right, subSum));
        static boolean hasPathSumBert(final Node node, final int sum) {
            // return true if we run out of tree and sum==0
            if (node == null) {                                   // empty tree
                // choose one:
                return (sum == 0);
                //return false;
            } else if (node.left == null && node.right == null) { // leaf
                return (sum == node.data);
            } else if (sum <= node.data) {                        // sum used up
                return false;
            } else {                                              // try children
                return (node.left != null  && hasPathSumBert(node.left, sum - node.data)) ||
                       (node.right != null && hasPathSumBert(node.right, sum - node.data));
        static boolean hasPathSumMark(final Node node, final int sum) {
            final int subSum = sum - node.data;
            if (node.left == null && node.right == null) {
                return (subSum == 0);
            } else {
                // otherwise check both subtrees
                if (node.left != null  && hasPathSumMark(node.left, subSum))
                    return true;
                if (node.right != null && hasPathSumMark(node.right, subSum))
                    return true;
                return false;

    示例运行:(注意案例 7)
    original = false
    bert     = false
    mark     = false
    original = false
    bert     = false
    mark     = false
    original = false
    bert     = false
    mark     = false
    original = false
    bert     = false
    mark     = false
    original = false
    bert     = false
    mark     = false
    original = false
    bert     = false
    mark     = false
    original = true
    bert     = true
    mark     = true
    original = true
    bert     = false
    mark     = false
    original = false
    bert     = false
    mark     = false
    original = false
    bert     = false
    mark     = false
    original = true
    bert     = true
    mark     = true
    hasPathSumBert(null, 0): true
    hasPathSumBert(null, 1): false

    关于java - 二叉树 hasPathSum() 实现,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/4214859/

    10-09 00:25