

我认为以前使用相同方法与Edge newEdge = new Edge( n1, n2, weight );有关。

我以前在将我引导到Edge newEdge = new Edge( n1, n2, weight );行时遇到错误,说了类似“找不到类”之类的内容。但是现在我似乎在allEdges.add(newEdge);处获得了NullPointerException,而没有进行任何更改。


import java.util.*;

public class MyMiniGraph<T extends Comparable<? super T>> implements MiniGraph<T>
      // The Graph containing all the nodes and their edges
    private Map< T, HashSet<Edge> > theGraph = new HashMap< T, HashSet<Edge> >( );
      // Keeps track of theGraphs current size
    private int currentSize = 0;
      // Keeps track of the current Edge quantity
    private int numEdges;
      // TreeSet containing all edges
    private TreeSet<Edge> allEdges;
      // edge representing class with its associated nodes and weight
    private class Edge implements Comparable<Edge>
        public int cost;
        public T n1;
        public T n2;
        public Edge(T n1, T n2 , int cost)
            this.n1 = n1;
            this.n2 = n2;
            this.cost = cost;

    public int compareTo(Edge e)
          // returns 0 if edges are equal
        if(e.cost == cost)
            return 0;
          // returns 1 if edge is greater than other edge,
          // -1 if edge is smaller than other edge
        return e.cost < cost ? 1 : -1;


 *  Method for adding a node to the graph.
 *  Silently ignores any duplicates
 *  @param n    The node to add to the graph.
public void addNode(T n)
    if(n == null)
        throw new IllegalStateException("Invalid Node");
        theGraph.put(n,new HashSet<Edge>());

 *  Method for removing a node from the graph.
 *  Before the node is removed, all edges associated with the node
 *  must be removed.
 *  Silently ignores any nodes not already in the graph.
public void removeNode(T n)
      // If node n has edges, remove all those edges.
      // Firstly, remove the edges connecting to this
      // node from other nodes, then, remove this node
      // and its edges with it.
        if( !theGraph.get(n).isEmpty() )
              //iterator to iterate over the edges of node n
            Iterator<Edge> edgeIt = theGraph.get(n).iterator();

              // remove this node from all its connecting nodes edge lists
            Edge localEdge;
            /**Edge foreignEdge;*/
                localEdge = edgeIt.next();
                T foreignNode = localEdge.n2 == n ? localEdge.n1 : localEdge.n2;
                  // iterator to iterate over the edges of adjacent node of n (foreignNode)
                /**Iterator<Edge> forEdgeIt =

                    foreignEdge = forEdgeIt.next();
                    if( foreignEdge.equals( localEdge ) )
                  // removes all edges occurring in n from all foreign nodes
          //remove the node itself thereby also removing its local edge list

 *  Method for creating an unidirectional edge between two nodes.
 *  @param  n1  The first node to create an edge between
 *  @param  n2  The second node to create an edge between
 *  @param  weight  The cost for traversing the edge
public void connectNodes(T n1, T n2, int weight)
    if(!contains(n1) || !contains(n2))
        throw new IllegalStateException("node not in graph");

        Edge newEdge = new Edge( n1, n2, weight );
        theGraph.get(n1).add( newEdge );
        theGraph.get(n2).add( newEdge );


 *  Method for removing an edge between two nodes.
 *  @param  n1  The first node that identifies the edge.
 *  @param  n2  The second node that identifies the edge.
public void disconnectNodes(T n1, T n2)
    if(!contains(n1) || !contains(n2))
        throw new IllegalStateException("node not in graph");

    boolean n1n2EdgeExists = true;

  // iterates over n1, removing all edges containing n2 from n2
    Iterator<Edge> edgeIt = theGraph.get(n1).iterator();

    Edge deadEdge = null;
        deadEdge = edgeIt.next();

        if( deadEdge.n1.equals(n1) )

        else if( deadEdge.n2.equals(n1) )

            n1n2EdgeExists = false;
          // removes the n1-n2 edge from n1



 *  Method for searching the graph for a certain node.
 *  If the node is present in the graph, the method returns
 *  true, otherwise, it returns false.
 *  @return boolean     true if the graph contains n, otherwise false.
public boolean contains(T n)
    return theGraph.containsKey(n);

 *  Method for finding the number of nodes in the graph.
 *  @returns int    The number of nodes in the graph.
public int size()
    return currentSize;

 * Checks if there exists and edge between nodes n1 and n2.
 * Used for testing purposes.
 * @param n1    The first node that identifies the edge.
 * @param n2    The second node that identifies the edge.
 * @return true if and edge exists between n1 and n2, otherwise false.
public boolean edgeExistsBetween(T n1, T n2)
        boolean n1ContainsN2 = false;

        Iterator<Edge> edgeIt = theGraph.get(n1).iterator();

        Edge adjToN1;
            adjToN1 = edgeIt.next();
            if( adjToN1.n1.equals(n2) )
                n1ContainsN2 = true;
            else if( adjToN1.n2.equals(n2) )
                n1ContainsN2 = true;
        }// while n1 has next edge
        return n1ContainsN2;
    }// if n1 in graph
    return false;

 * Gets the number of edges in the graph.
 * Used for testing purposes.
 * @return the number of edges in the graph.
public int getNumberOfEdges()
    return numEdges;

 *  Method for calculating a minimum spanning tree for the graph.
 *  The method is supposed to returning a String representing the
 *  minimum spanning tree. The method is not allowed to modify the
 *  graph during the calculation, ie. the original graph must be
 *  identical to how the graph looked before the invocation of
 *  the method.
 *  The minimum spanning tree is calculated using Kruskal's algorithm.
 *  @return Graph A new instance of the Graph class, representing a
 *      minimal spanning tree.
public MyMiniGraph<T> generateMinimumSpanningTree()
    int edgesAccepted = 0;
      //give all nodes to a class representing disjoint sets
    DisjSet<T> ds = new DisjSet<T>( theGraph.keySet() );

      //set up a new graph to represent the minimum spanning tree
    MyMiniGraph<T> minSpanTree = new MyMiniGraph<T>();
      //initialize minSpanTree with all theGraphs nodes
    Iterator<T> nodeIter = theGraph.keySet().iterator();

      //order all edges in theGraph in a priority queue
    PriorityQueue<Edge> pq = new PriorityQueue<Edge>(allEdges);
    Edge e;

      // Kruskals algorithm. Accepts the smallest edges in order
      // if they are not part of the same set which would cause a cycle.
    while(edgesAccepted < currentSize -1)
        e = pq.poll( );
        T uset = ds.find( e.n1 );
        T vset = ds.find( e.n2 );

        if(uset != vset)
            // Accept the edge
            ds.union(uset, vset);

             //if the edge is accepted, add it to minSpanTree
            minSpanTree.connectNodes(e.n1, e.n2, e.cost);
    return minSpanTree;




关于java - 实例化的私有(private)类->空指针异常,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/5134727/

10-09 00:11