
我正在尝试使用 Python3.6 编程一种非对称密码,我相信它与 RSA 加密通信使用的密码相似


Person1 (p1) picks two prime numbers say 17 and 19
let p = 17 and q = 19
the product of these two numbers will be called n (n = p * q)
n = 323
p1 will then make public n
P1 will then make public another prime called e, e = 7

Person2(p2) wants to send p1 the letter H (72 in Ascii)
To do this p2 does the following ((72 ^ e) % n) and calls this value M
M = 13
p2 sends M to p1

p1 receives M and now needs to decrypt it
p1 can do this by calculating D where (e^D) % ((p-1)*(q-1)) = 1
In this example i know D = 247
With D p1 can calculate p2 message using M^D % n
which successfully gives 72 ('H' in ASCII)

GCD(e,m) = 1

哪里 m = ((p-1)*(q-1))
否则 (e^D) % ((p-1)*(q-1)) = 1 不存在。

现在问题来了! :)

在数字不太容易处理的地方计算 D。

现在请告诉我是否有更简单的方法来计算 D,但这就是我开始使用在线帮助的地方。




n = p*q = 3337

(p-1)*(q-1) = 3220

e = 79

现在我们必须找到 D。我们知道 (e^D) % ((p-1)*(q-1)) = 1

因此 D = 79^-1 % 3220

方程改写为 79*d = 1 mod 3220


使用常规的欧几里得算法 gcd(79,3220) 必须等于 1 否则实际上可能没有解决方案(我的描述在这里正确吗?)
3220 = 40*79 + 60 (79 goes into 3220 40 times with remainder 60)
  79 = 1*60 + 19  (The last remainder 60 goes into 79 once with r 19)
  60 = 3*19 + 3   (The last remainder 19 goes into 60 three times with r 3)
  19 = 6*3 + 1    (The last remainder 3 goes into 19 6 times with r 1)
   3 = 3*1 + 0    (The last remainder 1 goes into 3 three times with r 0)

最后一个非零余数是 gcd。因此 gcd(79,3220) = 1 (应该是)


有人告诉我通过备份树将 gcd(one) 写为 19 和 3220 的线性组合......
1 = 19-6*3
  = 19-6*(60-3*19)
  = 19*19 - 6*60
  = 19*(79-60) - 6*60
  = 19*79 - 25*60
  = 19*79 - 25*(3220-40*79)
  = 1019*79 - 25*3220

在此之后,我只剩下 1019*79 - 25*3220 = 1,如果我在两边修改 3220,我会得到 1019*79 = 1 mod 3220

(包含 3220 的术语会消失,因为 3220 = 0 mod 3220)。

因此 d = 1019。



3220 = 40*79 + 60
  79 = 1*60 + 19
  60 = 3*19 + 3
  19 = 6*3 + 1
   3 = 3*1 + 0


   1 = 19 - 6*3                                              ; now expand 3
     = 19 - 6*(60 - 3*19)        = 19 - 6*60 + 18*19
     = 19*19 - 6*60                                          ; now expand 19
     = 19*(79 - 1*60) - 6*60     = 19*79 - 19*60 - 6*60
     = 19*79 - 25*60                                         ; now expand 60
     = 19*79 - 25*(3220 - 40*79) = 19*79 - 25*3220 + 1000*79
     = 1019*79 - 25*3220                                     ; done

请注意,这个想法是在每一步扩展之前的剩余部分。例如,当用 19 扩展余数 79 - 1*60 时,您将 19*19 - 6*60 转换为 19*(79 - 1*60) - 6*60 。这让您可以围绕 7960 重新组合并继续前进。

关于algorithm - 有人可以解释这个 RSA 示例的最后部分发生了什么吗?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/46913806/

10-08 22:07