


.... Exemple code
Coordinate * coord = [[Coordinate alloc] init];
NSMutableArray *coordinates = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];

for (i=0 ; i<=14; i++)
    coord = newlocation;
    [coordinates addObject:coord];
    .... some code to wait 2 seconds before add a new object to the array....

我尝试使用NSThread sleepfortimeinterval,但是视图冻结。







- (void)viewDidLoad
    [super viewDidLoad];

    NSLog(@"%s", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__);

    [self startStandardUpdates];

    // after 30 seconds, if we haven't found a location, declare success with whatever we got (if anything)

    dispatch_after(dispatch_time(DISPATCH_TIME_NOW, (int64_t)(30.0 * NSEC_PER_SEC)), dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
        [self stopStandardUpdates];  // stop monitoring location if you want

        if (!self.foundLocation) {
            if (self.bestLocation) {
                NSLog(@"Didn't find perfect location, but location has accuracy of %.1f meters", self.bestLocation.horizontalAccuracy);
            } else {
                NSLog(@"Even after 30 seconds, did not find any locations!");

#pragma mark - Location Services

- (void)startStandardUpdates
    // Create the location manager if this object does not
    // already have one.
    if (nil == self.locationManager)
        self.locationManager = [[CLLocationManager alloc] init];

    self.locationManager.delegate = self;
    self.locationManager.desiredAccuracy = kCLLocationAccuracyBest;

    // Set a movement threshold for new events.
    self.locationManager.distanceFilter = 5;

    [self.locationManager startUpdatingLocation];

- (void)stopStandardUpdates
    [self.locationManager stopUpdatingLocation];
    self.locationManager = nil;

#pragma mark - CLLocationManagerDelegate

- (void)locationManager:(CLLocationManager *)manager didUpdateLocations:(NSArray *)locations
    CLLocation* location = [locations lastObject];

    NSLog(@"%s: horizontalAccuracy = %.1f", __FUNCTION__, location.horizontalAccuracy);

    if (location.horizontalAccuracy < 0)  // not a valid location

    // this checks to see if the location is more accurate than the last;
    // or you might just want to eliminate this `if` clause, because if
    // you get updated location, you can probably assume it's better than
    // the last one (esp if the user might be moving)

    if (!self.bestLocation || location.horizontalAccuracy <= self.bestLocation.horizontalAccuracy) {
        self.bestLocation = location;

    if (location.horizontalAccuracy <= 5) { // use whatever you want here
        NSLog(@"Found location %@", location);
        self.foundLocation = YES;
        [self stopStandardUpdates]; // stop it if you want


@property (nonatomic, strong) CLLocationManager *locationManager;
@property (nonatomic, strong) CLLocation *bestLocation;
@property (nonatomic) BOOL foundLocation;

关于ios - 在任务之间留出时间-iOS,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/22790700/

10-10 20:50