我遇到了一个我无法弄清楚的问题。如果我有一个带有回调的 Block 参数的方法签名,并且在我的方法中我使用了一个具有另一个 Block 的 API,则该 API 执行 async 并且我的代码继续并调用我的回调方法。这让我的 View Controller 知道一切都已完成,而实际上通常不是由于 API 块。

由于我的方法总是调用回调方法(并异步运行),我可以强制使用块的 API 调用运行 synchronously 吗?

View Controller

[self.tagRepo sync:^(BOOL finished) {
    if (finished) {
        NSLog(@"Sync completed.");
        if (self.tagRepo.isSyncing)
            NSLog(@"Syncing continues...");

[tagRepo 同步]
- (void)sync:(void(^)(BOOL finished))completed {
    if (self.isSyncing)

    NSLog(@"Synchronizing tags...");
    self.isSyncing = YES;

    [[EvernoteNoteStore noteStore] getSyncStateWithSuccess:^(EDAMSyncState *syncState) {
        BOOL performCallback = YES;

        if (syncState.fullSyncBefore > lastSyncTime) {
            [self processSync:syncState];
        } else if (syncState.updateCount > self.lastUpdateCount) {
            [self processSync:syncState];
        } else {
            performCallback = NO; // Block calling the call back when we begin the listTagsWithSuccess async.
            self.clientTags = [[self fetchAll] mutableCopy];
            [[EvernoteNoteStore noteStore] listTagsWithSuccess:^(NSArray *tags) {
                self.serverTags = [tags mutableCopy];
                [self processClientTags]; // Only need to make sure client sends any new tags to the server.

                // invoke call back.
                self.isSyncing = NO;
                if (completed)
            } failure:^(NSError *error) {
                self.isSyncing = NO;
                NSLog(@"Failed to list tags.");

        self.isSyncing = NO;
        if (completed && performCallback)
    } failure:^(NSError *error) {
        self.isSyncing = NO;
        NSLog(@"Failed to process a sync.");

        if (completed)

发生的情况是,当我调用 [sync] 方法时,我的 NSLog 显示在我的任何 processSync 方法完成之前调用了回调方法。我假设这是因为 processSync 方法调用发生在另一个块中,所以当前线程上的完成块继续并被调用。

我是否在不正确的庄园中使用了块,或者是否有一种典型的方法来处理其中包含嵌套块的回调。我应该尝试通过一些 GCD 调度在当前线程上运行辅助块吗?设置 KVO?我在尝试 KVO 时遇到的问题是在 sync 过程中使用的 API(Evernote 的)中的块数会有所不同,具体取决于发生的更改。因此,很难确定 NSNotificationCenter 何时发布、同步处于哪个阶段以及是否完成/需要执行回调或发布另一个通知。我认为有一种标准的方法可以解决这个问题。任何提示将不胜感激!


更新 1

当我调用 `[[EvernoteNoteStore noteStore] ^listTagsWithSuccess] 方法时,会调用以下代码。
- (void)getSyncStateWithSuccess:(void(^)(EDAMSyncState *syncState))success
                        failure:(void(^)(NSError *error))failure
    [self invokeAsyncIdBlock:^id {
        return [[self currentNoteStore] getSyncState:[self authenticationToken]];
    } success:success failure:failure];

- (void)listTagsWithSuccess:(void(^)(NSArray *tags))success
                    failure:(void(^)(NSError *error))failure
     [self invokeAsyncIdBlock:^id {
        return [[self currentNoteStore] listTags:[self authenticationToken]];
    } success:success failure:failure];

- (void)invokeAsyncIdBlock:(id(^)())block
                   failure:(void(^)(NSError *error))failure
    dispatch_async(self.session.queue, ^(void) {
        id retVal = nil;
        @try {
            if (block) {
                retVal = block();
                                   if (success) {
        @catch (NSException *exception) {
            NSError *error = [self errorFromNSException:exception];
            [self processError:failure withError:error];

更新 2

我提供了 processSync 方法来显示正在使用的其他异步内容。在 processSync 方法中,我进行了另一个 Evernote SDK 方法调用,然后它最终调用了 processTags。我省略了 processServerTags,因为代码很大,但包含 processClientTags,它与整个 processServerTags 中散落的内容基本相同。所以基本上我有 3-4 个嵌套的 Evernote SDK 异步块在运行。
- (void)processSync:(EDAMSyncState *)syncState {
    BOOL fullSync = NO;
    // If we have never updated, perform full sync.
    if (!self.lastUpdateCount)
        fullSync = YES;

    [[EvernoteNoteStore noteStore] getSyncChunkAfterUSN:self.currentChunkUSN maxEntries:200 fullSyncOnly:NO success:^(EDAMSyncChunk *syncChunk) {
        // Loop, re-grabbing the next chunk
        if (syncChunk.chunkHighUSN < syncChunk.updateCount) {
            // Cache the current sync chunk. Since only so much is handed to us
            // during this hand-shake, we cache and go get more.
            [self cacheSyncChunk:syncChunk];
            self.currentChunkUSN = syncChunk.chunkHighUSN;

            // Fetch more sync chunks.
            [self processSync:syncState];
        } else {
            // Retrieved the last sync chunk, cache it and begin processing.
            [self cacheSyncChunk:syncChunk];
            self.currentChunkUSN = syncChunk.chunkHighUSN;

            // Build list of server tags
            [self processTags];

            // Time stamp ourselves so we know when we last updated.
            self.lastSyncTime = [NSDate endateFromEDAMTimestamp:syncState.currentTime];
            self.lastUpdateCount = syncState.updateCount;
    } failure:^(NSError *error) {
        NSLog(@"Failed to process full sync.");

- (void)processTags {

    // Process the tags found on the server first. We bring down any new tags from the server and cache them.
    // Handles any naming conflicts or duplicate conflicts that come up.
    self.clientTags = [[self fetchAll] mutableCopy];
    [self processServerTags];

    // Process client tags. We check if the client has tags that do not exist on the server and send them.
    [self processClientTags];

    // Delete any expunged tags that we still have cached.
    [self expungeTags];

    NSLog(@"Completed syncing tags.");

- (void)processClientTags {
    NSLog(@"Processing client tags - Ensuring server is current with client tags.");
    // Now we compare our local cache to the server, in the event new tags were created.
    // TODO: Test this.
    for (Tag *clientTag in self.clientTags) {
        // Predicate for comparing all client tags against server tags.
        // We compare GUID's and Names. Since we can't have duplicate's of either, we check.
        // It is possible that the client created a Tag (GUID #1) and created it on the server externally (GUID #2) but share the same name.
        // In this case, we have to rename them.
        NSPredicate *compareGuidPredicate = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"guid == %@", clientTag.guid];

        //Check if this note exists already on the server.
        if (![[self.serverTags filteredArrayUsingPredicate:compareGuidPredicate] count]) {
            // If not, we make sure it was never expunged.
            if ([self.expungedTags containsObject:clientTag.guid])

            EDAMTag *serverTag = [[EDAMTag alloc] initWithGuid:nil name:clientTag.name parentGuid:nil updateSequenceNum:0];
            serverTag = [self convertManagedTag:clientTag toEvernoteTag:serverTag convertingOnlyChangedProperties:NO];

            // Check which is newer. If the server is newer, update the client, if the client is newer
            // do nothing. It will be handled later under the processClientTags method.
            [[EvernoteNoteStore noteStore] createTag:serverTag success:^(EDAMTag *tag) {
                NSLog(@"Created new %@ tag on the server.", serverTag.name);
                clientTag.guid = tag.guid;
                NSLog(@"Server GUID %@ assigned to Client GUID %@", tag.guid, clientTag.guid);
                [self saveAllChanges];
            } failure:^(NSError *error) {
                NSLog(@"Failed to create the %@ tag.\n%@", clientTag.name, [error description]);
    NSLog(@"Client tag processing completed.");

阅读 Rob 的回答后,看起来我需要对源代码进行一些重新设计,这对我来说不是什么大问题。对于其中运行有异步代码的每个方法,方法签名都需要包含一个回调块。异步代码将在完成后调用该回调块。


如果您看到在 sync 方法完成之前传递给 processSync 的块,则表明 processSync 本身必须执行一些异步操作。 (您已经用该代码更新了您的问题,并且似乎是这种情况。)如果情况确实如此,那么您希望 (a) 更改 processSync 方法以获取完成块参数本身, 和 (b) 让 sync 方法将调用移动到它自己的 completed() 到你传递给 processSync 的块。这样,您可以确保 completed() 在它真正完成之前不会被调用。


- (void)sync:(void(^)(BOOL finished))completed {
    if (self.isSyncing)

    NSLog(@"Synchronizing tags...");
    self.isSyncing = YES;

    [[EvernoteNoteStore noteStore] getSyncStateWithSuccess:^(EDAMSyncState *syncState) {
        if (syncState.fullSyncBefore > lastSyncTime || syncState.updateCount > self.lastUpdateCount) {
            [self processSync:syncState completionHandler:^(BOOL finished){
                self.isSyncing = NO;
                if (completed)
        } else {
            self.clientTags = [[self fetchAll] mutableCopy];
            [[EvernoteNoteStore noteStore] listTagsWithSuccess:^(NSArray *tags) {
                self.serverTags = [tags mutableCopy];
                [self processClientTags]; // Only need to make sure client sends any new tags to the server.

                // invoke call back.
                self.isSyncing = NO;
                if (completed)
            } failure:^(NSError *error) {
                self.isSyncing = NO;
                NSLog(@"Failed to list tags.");
                if (completed)

        // self.isSyncing = NO;
        // if (completed && performCallback)
        //     completed(YES);
    } failure:^(NSError *error) {
        self.isSyncing = NO;
        NSLog(@"Failed to process a sync.");

        if (completed)

请注意,这消除了 performCallback bool 值,因为我们只是确保所有路径都调用回调,并且在 processSync 的情况下,回调的调用被推迟到 processSync 首先完成其异步过程。

这显然假设您将重构 processSync 以获取自己的完成处理程序。

最重要的是,您只想在 (a) 最终异步进程成功完成时调用完成块;或 (b) 失败。但是在异步过程完成之前不要调用完成块,根据需要嵌套它,如上所示。

关于ios - 在同一线程上运行块,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/21505990/

10-08 20:58