function Get-Articles (){
foreach($Word in $poem){
if($Articles -contains $Word){
write-host "The number of Articles in your sentence: $counter"
$Counter = 0
$poem = $line
$Articles = "a","an","the"
$fileExists = Test-Path "text.txt"
if($fileExists) {
$poem = Get-Content "text.txt"
Write-Output "The file SamMcGee does not exist"
$poem.Split(" ")
$poem = $line # set poem to $null (because $line is undefined)
$Articles = "a","an","the" # $Articles is an array of strings, ok
# check file exists (I skipped, it's fine)
$poem = Get-Content "text.txt" # Load content into $poem,
# also an array of strings, ok
$poem.Split(" ") # Apply .Split(" ") to the array.
# Powershell does that once for each line.
# You don't save it with $xyz =
# so it outputs the words onto the
# pipeline.
# You see them, but they are thrown away.
Get-Articles # Call a function (with no parameters)
function Get-Articles (){
# Poem wasn't passed in as a parameter, so
foreach($Word in $poem){ # Pull poem out of the parent scope.
# Still the original array of lines. unchanged.
# $word will then be _a whole line_.
if($Articles -contains $Word){ # $articles will never contain a whole line
write-host "The number of Articles in your sentence: $counter" # 0 everytime
$poem = $poem.Split(" ")
使其成为单词数组而不是行。或者您可以将 $poem 单词传递给函数
function Get-Articles ($poem) {
Get-Articles $poem.Split(" ")
您可以通过以下方式使用 PowerShell 管道:
$Articles = "a","an","the"
$poemArticles = (Get-Content "text.txt").Split(" ") | Where {$_ -in $Articles}
$counter = $poemArticles | Measure | Select -Expand Count
write-host "The number of Articles in your sentence: $counter"