有这样的 map :

typedef std::string Path; // has this format "/<a>/<b>/<c>"

typedef std::vector<std::string>               Paths;
typedef std::map<std::string, Paths>           PathMapping;

PathMapping mathMapping; // ( "/a/b/c" --> "/a/b/c1", "a/b/c2" )

                            ( "/a/b/d" --> "/a/b/d1", "a/b/d2" )

                            ("/a/b/c/d" --> "a/b/c/d1", "a/b/c/d2" ) // not allowed

如何检查 map 中是否有其他键的子字符串?



  • AB之前
  • A也是AB之间的任何键的前缀

  • 因此,我们可以在 map 中执行简单的扫描(此处为m):
    auto current = m.begin();
    for (auto it = next(current), end = m.end(); it != end; ++it ) {
        // Note: if current is not a prefix of "it", then it cannot be a prefix
        // of any key that comes after "it", however of course "it" could
        // be such a prefix.
        // current is not a prefix of "it" if "it" is shorter
        if (it->first.size() <= current->first.size()) { current = it; continue; }
        // current is not a prefix of "it"
        if (it->first.substr(0, current->first.size()) != current->first) {
            current = it; continue;
        // current is a prefix
        std::cout << "'" << current->first << "' is a prefix of '" << it->first << "'\n";


    您可以检查full code here

    关于c++ - 如何检查两个键是否具有相同的前缀?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/23181145/

    10-12 18:43