我在Haskell和TypeFamilies等玩。我正在尝试创建一个简单的示例,在该示例中,我下面有一个采用某种类型(Parsers ty)的函数,以及一个采用许多依赖于ty的参数并输出一些结果的函数。


{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances, TypeFamilies,GADTs #-}

data V a   --"variable"
data S a   --"static"
data C a b --combination

--define data type:
data Parsers ty where
  ParVar :: a -> Parsers (V a)
  ParStatic :: a -> Parsers (S a)
  ParCombine :: Parsers ty1 -> Parsers ty2 -> Parsers (C ty1 ty2)

--basic type alias to below, output set to Bool
type ExtractVars parsers = GetVars parsers Bool

--we want to convert some combination of C/S/V
--types into a function taking, from left to right,
--each type inside S as parameter
type family GetVars parsers output where
  GetVars (S a) output = output
  GetVars (V a) output = a -> output
  GetVars (C a b) output = GetVars a (GetVars b output)

--this function uses the above such that, hopefully,
--the second argument to be provided will be a function
--that will take each S type as an argument and return
--a bool. We then return that bool from the whole thing
getVars :: Parsers p -> ExtractVars p -> Bool
getVars (ParVar s) fn = fn s
getVars (ParStatic _) fn = fn
-- this is the offending line:
getVars (ParCombine a b) fn = getVars b (getVars a fn)

我的Parsers ty类型似乎做对了;用它构造事物会导致我期望的类型,例如:
ParVar "hi"
  :: Parsers (V [Char])
ParCombine (ParVar "hi") (ParStatic "woop")
  :: Parsers (C (V [Char]) (S [Char]))
ParCombine (ParVar 'h') (ParCombine (ParStatic True) (ParVar "hello"))
  :: Parsers (C (V Char) (C (S Bool) (V [Char])))

(C (V a) (V b)) out => a -> b -> out
(V a) out           => a -> out
(S a) out           => out
(C (S a) (V b) out  => b -> out

getVars :: Parsers p -> ExtractVars p -> Bool

要说什么p是什么,需要一个与我的类型别名ExtractVars p匹配的函数,然后返回Bool

getVars (ParVar s) fn = fn s
getVars (ParStatic _) fn = fn

getVars (ParCombine a b) fn = getVars b (getVars a fn)

    Could not deduce (GetVars ty2 Bool ~ Bool)
    from the context (p ~ C ty1 ty2)
      bound by a pattern with constructor
                 ParCombine :: forall ty1 ty2.
                               Parsers ty1 -> Parsers ty2 -> Parsers (C ty1 ty2),
               in an equation for ‘getVars’
      at test.hs:74:10-23
    Expected type: ExtractVars ty2
      Actual type: Bool
    Relevant bindings include b :: Parsers ty2 (bound at test.hs:74:23)
    In the second argument of ‘getVars’, namely ‘(getVars a fn)’
    In the expression: getVars b (getVars a fn)

    Could not deduce (GetVars ty1 Bool
                      ~ GetVars ty1 (GetVars ty2 Bool))
    from the context (p ~ C ty1 ty2)
      bound by a pattern with constructor
                 ParCombine :: forall ty1 ty2.
                               Parsers ty1 -> Parsers ty2 -> Parsers (C ty1 ty2),
               in an equation for ‘getVars’
      at test.hs:74:10-23
    NB: ‘GetVars’ is a type function, and may not be injective
    Expected type: ExtractVars ty1
      Actual type: ExtractVars p
    Relevant bindings include
      b :: Parsers ty2 (bound at test.hs:74:23)
      a :: Parsers ty1 (bound at test.hs:74:21)
    In the second argument of ‘getVars’, namely ‘fn’
    In the second argument of ‘getVars’, namely ‘(getVars a fn)’
Failed, modules loaded: none.





(PS我正在使用GHC 7.10.1并在ghci中运行它)




getVars :: Parsers p -> GetVars p out -> out
getVars (ParVar s)       fn = fn s
getVars (ParStatic _)    fn = fn
getVars (ParCombine a b) fn = getVars b (getVars a fn)

原始类型为getVars a fn :: Bool,但我们需要getVars a fn :: ExtractVars ty2。通常,如果我们想对GADT进行大量计算,则必须确保我们具有足够通用的类型,这样我们才能进行递归调用(因为在递归时类型或类型索引可能会发生变化)。

{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}

data ParserTy a = V a | S a | C (ParserTy a) (ParserTy a)

data Parsers (ty :: ParserTy *) where
  ParVar :: a -> Parsers (V a)
  ParStatic :: a -> Parsers (S a)
  ParCombine :: Parsers ty1 -> Parsers ty2 -> Parsers (C ty1 ty2)


10-08 12:47