
data Tree a
  = Empty
  | Leaf a
  | Node a (Tree a) (Tree a) String
  deriving (Show)

root :: Tree a -> a
root (Leaf a) = a
root (Node a _ _ _) = a


root Empty = Empty

我再次遇到错误,因为它没有返回a类型的值。我能做什么 ?



root :: Tree a -> Maybe a
root (Leaf a) = Just a
root (Node a _ _ _) = Just a
root _ = Nothing

您可以使用functors, applicative functors and monads轻松将此功能与库的其他功能组合在一起。例如。:
functionOnPlainA :: a -> a
functionOnPlainA = error "implement me"

-- So simply we can lift our plain function to work on values of type `Maybe`.
-- This is a Functor example.
functionOnMaybeA :: Maybe a -> Maybe a
functionOnMaybeA = fmap functionOnPlainA

-- Because the above is so simple, it's conventional to inline it,
-- as in the following:
applyFunctionOnPlainAToResultOfRoot :: Tree a -> Maybe a
applyFunctionOnPlainAToResultOfRoot tree = fmap functionOnPlainA $ root tree

-- And here is an example of how Monads can serve us:
applyRootToMaybeTree :: Maybe (Tree a) -> Maybe a
applyRootToMaybeTree maybeTree = maybeTree >>= root

10-08 12:41