
 safeToEnum :: (Enum t, Bounded t) => Int -> Maybe t

safeToEnum :: (Enum t, Bounded t) => Int -> Maybe t
safeToEnum i =
  if (i >= fromEnum (minBound :: t)) && (i <= fromEnum (maxBound :: t))
    then Just . toEnum $ i
    else Nothing

main = do
  print $ (safeToEnum 1 :: Maybe Bool)
  print $ (safeToEnum 2 :: Maybe Bool)

    Could not deduce (Bounded t1) from the context ()
      arising from a use of `minBound' at safeToEnum.hs:3:21-28
    Possible fix:
      add (Bounded t1) to the context of an expression type signature
    In the first argument of `fromEnum', namely `(minBound :: t)'
    In the second argument of `(>=)', namely `fromEnum (minBound :: t)'
    In the first argument of `(&&)', namely
        `(i >= fromEnum (minBound :: t))'

    Could not deduce (Bounded t1) from the context ()
      arising from a use of `maxBound' at safeToEnum.hs:3:56-63
    Possible fix:
      add (Bounded t1) to the context of an expression type signature
    In the first argument of `fromEnum', namely `(maxBound :: t)'
    In the second argument of `(<=)', namely `fromEnum (maxBound :: t)'
    In the second argument of `(&&)', namely
        `(i <= fromEnum (maxBound :: t))'

就我所理解的消息而言,尽管有显式类型声明(minBound),但编译器无法识别maxBoundsafeToEnum应产生与:: t结果类型完全相同的类型。知道如何解决吗?


camccann和Dave的解决方案都可以工作(尽管Dave的解决方案需要调整)。谢谢你们两个(但我只能接受一个)。 ScopedTypeVariables的工作示例:
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}

safeToEnum :: forall t . (Enum t, Bounded t) => Int -> Maybe t
safeToEnum i =
  if (i >= fromEnum (minBound :: t)) && (i <= fromEnum (maxBound :: t))
    then Just . toEnum $ i
    else Nothing



enumIfBetween :: (Enum a) => a -> a -> Int -> Maybe a
enumIfBetween a z x = let a' = fromEnum a
                          z' = fromEnum z
                      in if a' <= x && x <= z'
                         then Just $ toEnum x
                         else Nothing

safeToEnum i = enumIfBetween minBound maxBound i

main = do
    print $ (safeToEnum 1 :: Maybe Bool)
    print $ (safeToEnum 2 :: Maybe Bool)

> main
Just True

safeToEnum :: (Enum t, Bounded t) => Int -> Maybe t
safeToEnum i = let r = toEnum i
                   max = maxBound `asTypeOf` r
                   min = minBound `asTypeOf` r
               in if i >= fromEnum min && i <= fromEnum max
               then Just r
               else Nothing


请记住,ScopedTypeVariables是语言的扩展,因此不一定在编译器之间可移植。实际上,几乎每个人都使用GHC,但通常首选在可能的情况下坚持使用标准基本语言(即Haskell 98)。在这种情况下,ScopedTypeVariables确实过大了;这种情况下的Haskell wiki suggests asTypeOf as a portable replacement

10-08 12:35