我深入研究了Apple SpriteKit和GameplayKit示例代码,发现了一个用Swift编写的名为“DemoBots”的项目。这些项目中使用了一些非常有趣的概念,我想将它们适应我的项目。



struct RPColliderType: OptionSetType, Hashable, CustomDebugStringConvertible {
    // MARK: Static properties

    /// A dictionary to specify which `ColliderType`s should be notified of contacts with other `ColliderType`s.
    static var requestedContactNotifications = [RPColliderType: [RPColliderType]]()

    /// A dictionary of which `ColliderType`s should collide with other `ColliderType`s.
    static var definedCollisions = [RPColliderType: [RPColliderType]]()

    // MARK: Properties

    let rawValue: UInt32

    // MARK: Options

    static var Obstacle: RPColliderType  { return self.init(rawValue: 1 << 0) }
    static var PlayerBot: RPColliderType { return self.init(rawValue: 1 << 1) }
    static var TaskBot: RPColliderType   { return self.init(rawValue: 1 << 2) }

    // MARK: Hashable

    var hashValue: Int {
        return Int(rawValue)

    // MARK: SpriteKit Physics Convenience

    /// A value that can be assigned to a 'SKPhysicsBody`'s `categoryMask` property.
    var categoryMask: UInt32 {
        return rawValue

    /// A value that can be assigned to a 'SKPhysicsBody`'s `collisionMask` property.
    var collisionMask: UInt32 {
        // Combine all of the collision requests for this type using a bitwise or.
        let mask = RPColliderType.definedCollisions[self]?.reduce(RPColliderType()) { initial, colliderType in
            return initial.union(colliderType)

        // Provide the rawValue of the resulting mask or 0 (so the object doesn't collide with anything).
        return mask?.rawValue ?? 0

    /// A value that can be assigned to a 'SKPhysicsBody`'s `contactMask` property.
    var contactMask: UInt32 {
        // Combine all of the contact requests for this type using a bitwise or.
        let mask = RPColliderType.requestedContactNotifications[self]?.reduce(RPColliderType()) { initial, colliderType in
            return initial.union(colliderType)

        // Provide the rawValue of the resulting mask or 0 (so the object doesn't need contact callbacks).
        return mask?.rawValue ?? 0

    // MARK: ContactNotifiableType Convenience

        Returns `true` if the `ContactNotifiableType` associated with this `ColliderType` should be
        notified of contact with the passed `ColliderType`.
    func notifyOnContactWithColliderType(colliderType: RPColliderType) -> Bool {
        if let requestedContacts = RPColliderType.requestedContactNotifications[self] {
            return requestedContacts.contains(colliderType)

        return false

class RPPhysicsComponent: GKComponent {

    var physicsBody: SKPhysicsBody

    init(physicsBody: SKPhysicsBody, colliderType: RPColliderType) {

        self.physicsBody = physicsBody
        self.physicsBody.categoryBitMask = colliderType.categoryMask
        self.physicsBody.collisionBitMask = colliderType.collisionMask
        self.physicsBody.contactTestBitMask = colliderType.contactMask

到现在为止还挺好。来自Objective-C,我的问题是我不完全理解RPColliderType Struct中的以下几行代码是做什么的:
/// A value that can be assigned to a 'SKPhysicsBody`'s `collisionMask` property.
var collisionMask: UInt32 {
    // Combine all of the collision requests for this type using a bitwise or.
    let mask = RPColliderType.definedCollisions[self]?.reduce(RPColliderType()) { initial, colliderType in
        return initial.union(colliderType)

    // Provide the rawValue of the resulting mask or 0 (so the object doesn't collide with anything).
    return mask?.rawValue ?? 0

这是否意味着每次我调用该计算的属性(这就是它们 swift 调用的属性,对吗?)-当我将其分配给SKPhysicsBody时便会执行此操作-会将其添加到那些静态类字典中。但是我在解释“mask”/“reduce”/“union”命令时遇到问题。





RPColliderType.definedCollisions[.PlayerBot] = [.Obstacle, .TaskBot]

在这一点上,definedCollisions字典包含一个单独的项目,其PlayerBot[.Obstacle, .TaskBot]分别为键和值。考虑一下这是因为可以与PlayerBot冲突的类别是ObstacleTaskBot

let array = RPColliderType.definedCollisions[.PlayerBot]


然后,该代码使用RPColliderType方法将RPColliderType对象数组组合为单个reduce对象。 reduce接受两个参数:一个初始值(与数组元素的类型相同)和一个将值作为参数并返回值的函数(或闭包)。在这种情况下,初始值是一个新的RPColliderType对象,并且闭包的参数和返回值也是RPColliderType对象:
array?.reduce(RPColliderType(), aFunction)


let mask = array?.reduce(RPColliderType()) {
    initial, colliderType in
    return initial.union(colliderType)




10-08 12:13