钱德勒·卡鲁斯(Chandler Carruth)在CppCon2015 talk中引入了两个函数,可用于对优化程序进行一些细粒度的抑制。它们对于编写微基准很有用,这些微基准使优化程序不会简单地陷入毫无意义的境地。

void clobber() {
  asm volatile("" : : : "memory");

void escape(void* p) {
  asm volatile("" : : "g"(p) : "memory");

clobber中的汇编语句声明其中的汇编代码可以在内存中的任何位置读取和写入。实际的汇编代码为空,但优化程序不会对其进行检查,因为它是asm volatile。当我们告诉它代码可以在内存中的任何地方读写时,它都会相信它。这有效地防止了优化器在调用clobber之前重新排序或丢弃内存写入,并在调用clobber†之后强制执行内存读取。






给定your approximation of escape() ,您也可以使用下面的clobber()近似值(请注意,这是一个初稿,将某些解决方案推迟到nextLocationToClobber()函数的实现上进行):

// always returns false, but in an undeducible way
bool isClobberingEnabled();

// The challenge is to implement this function in a way,
// that will make even the smartest optimizer believe that
// it can deliver a valid pointer pointing anywhere in the heap,
// stack or the static memory.
volatile char* nextLocationToClobber();

const bool clobberingIsEnabled = isClobberingEnabled();
volatile char* clobberingPtr;

inline void clobber() {
    if ( clobberingIsEnabled ) {
        // This will never be executed, but the compiler
        // cannot know about it.
        clobberingPtr = nextLocationToClobber();
        *clobberingPtr = *clobberingPtr;



答案:我们可以利用数论中难以证明的特性,例如Fermat's Last Theorem:
bool undeducible_false() {
    // It took mathematicians more than 3 centuries to prove Fermat's
    // last theorem in its most general form. Hardly that knowledge
    // has been put into compilers (or the compiler will try hard
    // enough to check all one million possible combinations below).

    // Caveat: avoid integer overflow (Fermat's theorem
    //         doesn't hold for modulo arithmetic)
    std::uint32_t a = std::clock() % 100 + 1;
    std::uint32_t b = std::rand() % 100 + 1;
    std::uint32_t c = reinterpret_cast<std::uintptr_t>(&a) % 100 + 1;

    return a*a*a + b*b*b == c*c*c;

10-08 08:18