


  • 我在某个地方有加号(+)和减号(-)按钮,点击该按钮时,请调用recalculate()
  • recalculate()触发CalculateOperation
  • CalculateOperation根据新记录的添加/删除来计算起始HH:MM:ss。 successBlockCalculateOperation在主线程中执行。
  • 如果尚未创建CalculateOperation,则NSTimersuccessBlock中创建countdownTimer
  • NSTimer每1秒执行一次decayCalculation()。通过调用calculation.timertick()减少1秒。

  • 码:
    class CalculatorViewController: MQLoadableViewController {
        let calculationQueue: NSOperationQueue // Initialized in init()
        var calculation: Calculation?
        var countdownTimer: NSTimer?
        func recalculate() {
            if let profile = AppState.sharedState.currentProfile {
                // Cancel all calculation operations.
                let calculateOperation = self.createCalculateOperation(profile)
        func decayCalculation() {
            if let calculation = self.calculation {
                // tick() subtracts 1 second from the timer and adjusts the
                // hours and minutes accordingly. Returns true when the timer
                // goes down to 00:00:00.
                let timerFinished = calculation.timer.tick()
                // Pass the calculation object to update the timer label
                // and other things.
                if let mainView = self.primaryView as? CalculatorView {
                    mainView.calculation = calculation
                // Invalidate the timer when it hits 00:00:00.
                if timerFinished == true {
                    if let countdownTimer = self.countdownTimer {
        func createCalculateOperation(profile: Profile) -> CalculateOperation {
            let calculateOperation = CalculateOperation(profile: profile)
            calculateOperation.successBlock = {[unowned self] result in
            if let calculation = result as? Calculation {
                self.calculation = calculation
                /* Hide the loading screen, show the calculation results, etc. */
                // Create the NSTimer.
                if self.countdownTimer == nil {
                    self.countdownTimer = NSTimer.scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval(1, target: self, selector: Selector("decayCalculation"), userInfo: nil, repeats: true)
            return calculateOperation


    好吧,如果我将应用程序留在其他选项卡中并且一段时间不触摸手机,则它最终进入睡眠状态,该应用程序退出 Activity 状态,并进入后台,从而停止了计时器。


    10-08 05:34