mybatis语法掌握不熟,在写foreach操作时,造成in ()错误,这种情况不符合SQL的语法,导致程序报错。
<select id="getActiveCount" resultType="int" parameterType="com.missfresh.active.dto.ActiveSearchDTO">
select count(1) from (
distinct a.*
active AS a
<if test="sku!='' and sku!=null">
LEFT JOIN active_promotion AS ap ON ap.active_id = a.id
LEFT JOIN promotion_product AS pp ON pp.promotion_id = ap.promotion_id
<if test="areaIds!='' and areaIds!=null">
LEFT JOIN active_area AS aa ON aa.active_id = a.id and aa.status = 1 and aa.area_type = 0
WHERE a.status <![CDATA[!= ]]> 0
<if test="id!=0 and id!=null">
AND a.id = #{id}
<if test="name!='' and name!=null">
AND a.name LIKE CONCAT('%',#{name},'%')
<if test="sku!='' and sku!=null">
AND pp.sku = #{sku}
<if test="areaIds!='' and areaIds!=null">
and aa.area_id IN
<foreach item="item" index="index" collection="areaIds" open="(" separator="," close=")">
order by a.create_time desc ) as b
<select id="getActiveCount" resultType="int" parameterType="com.missfresh.active.dto.ActiveSearchDTO">
select count(1) from (
distinct a.*
active AS a
<if test="sku!='' and sku!=null">
LEFT JOIN active_promotion AS ap ON ap.active_id = a.id
LEFT JOIN promotion_product AS pp ON pp.promotion_id = ap.promotion_id
<if test="areaIds!='' and areaIds!=null">
LEFT JOIN active_area AS aa ON aa.active_id = a.id and aa.status = 1 and aa.area_type = 0
WHERE a.status <![CDATA[!= ]]> 0
<if test="id!=0 and id!=null">
AND a.id = #{id}
<if test="name!='' and name!=null">
AND a.name LIKE CONCAT('%',#{name},'%')
<if test="sku!='' and sku!=null">
AND pp.sku = #{sku}
<if test="areaIds!=null and areaIds.size > 0">
and aa.area_id IN
<foreach item="item" index="index" collection="areaIds" open="(" separator="," close=")">
<if test="areaIds!=null or areaIds.size == 0">
and 1=0
order by a.create_time desc ) as b