drop table testevents cascade;
create table testevents(
hadm_id int not null,
subject_id int not null,
eventtype int not null,
eventlabel char(30) not null,
value char(360) not null,
valuenum int
insert into testevents(hadm_id, subject_id, eventtype, eventlabel, value, valuenum)
(1, 1, 211, 'HRa1', '59', 59),
(1, 1, 211, 'HRa1', '89', 59),
(1, 1, 211, 'HRa1', '54', 59),
(1, 1, 211, 'HRa1', '99', 59),
(1, 1, 211, 'HRa1', '69', 59),
(1, 1, 211, 'HRa1', '104', 59),
(2, 2, 211, 'HRa1', '59', 59),
(2, 2, 211, 'HRa1', '89', 89),
(2, 2, 211, 'HRa1', '54', 54),
(2, 2, 211, 'HRa1', '140', 140), -- not allowed
(2, 2, 211, 'HRa1', '69', 69),
(2, 2, 211, 'HRa1', '104', 104),
(3, 3, 12712, 'HRa2', '69', 69),
(3, 3, 12712, 'HRa2', '89', 89),
(3, 3, 12712, 'HRa2', '94', 94),
(3, 3, 12712, 'HRa2', '59', 59),
(3, 3, 12712, 'HRa2', '69', 69),
(3, 3, 12712, 'HRa2', '84', 84),
(3, 3, 353, 'RXa', 'OK', null),
(4, 4, 220048, 'HRy', 'sinus', null),
(4, 4, 220048, 'HRy', 'sinus', null),
(4, 4, 220048, 'HRy', 'sinus', null),
(4, 4, 220048, 'HRy', 'sinus', null),
(4, 4, 220048, 'HRy', 'sinus', null),
(4, 4, 220048, 'HRy', 'sinus', null),
(5, 5, 220048, 'HRy', 'sinus', null),
(5, 5, 220048, 'HRy', 'sinus', null),
(5, 5, 220048, 'HRy', 'sinus', null),
(5, 5, 220048, 'HRy', 'AF', null), -- not allowed
(5, 5, 220048, 'HRy', 'sinus', null),
(5, 5, 220048, 'HRy', 'sinus', null),
(6, 6, 220048, 'HRy', 'sinus', null),
(6, 6, 220048, 'HRy', 'sinus', null),
(6, 6, 211, 'HRa2', '94', 95),
(6, 6, 211, 'HRa2', '150', 150), -- not allowed
(6, 6, 220048, 'HRy', 'sinus', null),
(6, 6, 220048, 'HRy', 'sinus', null),
(7, 7, 220048, 'HRy', 'sinus', null),
(7, 7, 220048, 'HRy', 'sinus', null),
(7, 7, 211, 'HRa2', '94', 94),
(7, 7, 211, 'HRa2', '87', 87),
(7, 7, 220048, 'HRy', 'sinus', null),
(7, 7, 220048, 'HRy', 'sinus', null),
(7, 7, 4053, 'BP', '87', 87),
(7, 7, 503, 'RR', '72', 72),
(8, 8, 220048, 'HRy', 'sinus', null),
(8, 8, 211, 'HRa2', '94', 94),
(8, 8, 211, 'HRa2', '87', 87),
(8, 8, 220048, 'HRy', 'AF', null), -- not allowed
(8, 8, 220048, 'HRy', 'sinus', null),
(8, 8, 4053, 'BP', '87', 87),
(8, 8, 503, 'RR', '72', 72),
(9, 9, 220048, 'HRy', 'AF', null), -- not allowed
(9, 9, 211, 'HRa2', '134', 134), -- not allowed
(9, 9, 211, 'HRa2', '187', 187), -- not allowed
(9, 9, 220048, 'HRy', 'AF', null), -- not allowed
(9, 9, 220048, 'HRy', 'AF', null) -- not allowed
hadm_id, subject_id
1 1
3 3
4 4
7 7
select subject_id, hadm_id
from testevents
where eventlabel in ('HRa1', 'HRa2', 'HRy')
group by subject_id, hadm_id
having ((min(valuenum) >= 50 and max(valuenum) <= 110) or
(min(value) = 'sinus' and max(value) = 'sinus'))
order by subject_id;
select subject_id, hadm_id
from testevents
where eventlabel in ('HRa1', 'HRa2', 'HRy')
group by subject_id, hadm_id
having (min(eventlabel) = max(eventlabel) and
min(eventlabel) in ('HRa1', 'HRa2') and
min(valuenum) >= 50 and
max(valuenum) <= 110
) or
(min(eventlabel) = max(eventlabel) and
min(eventlabel) in ('HRy') and
min(value) = 'sinus' and
max(value) = 'sinus'
) or
(sum( (eventlabel in ('HRa1', 'HRa2'))::int) > 0 and
sum( (eventlabel in ('HRy'))::int) > 0 and
min(case when eventlabel in ('HRa1', 'HRa2') then valuenum end) >= 50 and
max(case when eventlabel in ('HRa1', 'HRa2') then valuenum end) <= 110 and
sum( (eventlabel in ('HRy') and value <> 'sinus')::int ) = 0