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* Describes a certain model.
* @author (Joshua Baker)
* @version (1.0)
public class Model
public static final int IN_PER_FOOT = 12;
public static final int BASE_RATE = 60;
public static final int TALL_INCHES = 67;
public static final double THIN_POUNDS = 140.0;
public static final int TALL_THIN_BONUS = 5;
public static final int TRAVEL_BONUS = 4;
public static final int SMOKER_DEDUCTION = 10;

private String firstName;
private String lastName;
private int heightInInches;
private double weightInPounds;
private boolean travel;
private boolean smokes;
private String newHeight;
private int perHourRate;

 * Default constructor
public Model()
    setFirstName ("");
    setLastName  ("");
    setHeightInInches  (0);
    setWeightInPounds  (0.0);
    setTravel  (false);
    setSmokes  (false);

public Model (String whatIsFirstName, String whatIsLastName, int whatIsHeight, double whatIsWeight,
boolean canTravel, boolean smoker)
    setFirstName  (whatIsFirstName);
    setLastName  (whatIsLastName);
    setHeightInInches  (whatIsHeight);
    setWeightInPounds  (whatIsWeight);
    setTravel  (canTravel);
    setSmokes  (smoker);

 *@return first name
public String getFirstName()
    return firstName;

 *@return last name
public String getLastName()
    return lastName;

 *@return height in inches
public int getHeightInInches()
    return heightInInches;

 *@return the converted height
public String getNewHeight()
    return newHeight;

 *@return weight in pounds
public double getWeightInPounds()
    return weightInPounds;

 *@return models pay per hour rate
public int getPerHourRate()
    return perHourRate;

 *@return travel
public boolean getTravel()
    return travel;

 *@return smokes
public boolean getSmokes()
    return smokes;

 * models first name
public void setFirstName(String whatIsFirstName)
    firstName = whatIsFirstName;

 * models last name
public void setLastName(String whatIsLastName)
    lastName = whatIsLastName;

 * models height in inches
public void setHeightInInches(int whatIsHeight)
    if (whatIsHeight >0){
    heightInInches = whatIsHeight;


 * models weight in pounds
public void setWeightInPounds(double whatIsWeight)
    if (whatIsWeight >0){
    weightInPounds = whatIsWeight;

 * can model travel
public void setTravel(boolean canTravel)
    travel = canTravel;

 * does model smoke
public void setSmokes(boolean smoker)
    smokes = smoker;

 * Converts to feet and inches
public String convertheightToFeetInches()
int leftOver = (heightInInches %= IN_PER_FOOT);
int newHeight = (heightInInches % IN_PER_FOOT);
return newHeight + "Foot" + leftOver + "Inches";

public int calculatePayPerHour(){
    if (heightInInches  >= TALL_INCHES && (weightInPounds <= THIN_POUNDS)) {
        perHourRate = BASE_RATE + TALL_THIN_BONUS;
        return perHourRate;
        perHourRate = BASE_RATE;
        return perHourRate;

    if (travel)  {          //unreachable statement

        perHourRate = BASE_RATE + TRAVEL_BONUS;
        return perHourRate;
        perHourRate = BASE_RATE;
        return perHourRate;


    if (smokes) {             //unreachable statement
        perHourRate = BASE_RATE - SMOKER_DEDUCTION;
        return perHourRate;

    else {}


 * Displays details
public  void displayInfo()
    System.out.print("Name : " + getFirstName() + " ");
    System.out.println("Height : " + getNewHeight() + "inches");
    System.out.println("Weight : " + getWeightInPounds() + "pounds");
    System.out.print("Travel : " + getTravel() + " " );
    System.out.print("Smokes : " + getSmokes() );
    System.out.println("Hourly rate : " + getPerHourRate() );



那是因为您的程序将从您的第一个if block或相应的else块中返回:-

if (heightInInches  >= TALL_INCHES && (weightInPounds <= THIN_POUNDS)) {
    perHourRate = BASE_RATE + TALL_THIN_BONUS;
    return perHourRate;
    perHourRate = BASE_RATE;
    return perHourRate;
System.out.println("This will never get printed. And will show compiler error");


似乎您希望拥有所有service rates的累加总和才能得到最终的perHourRate,为此,您可以从每个return statement块中删除if-else。然后对于第一个之后的所有if-else块,而不是将current price分配给perHourRate,而是执行compound addition +=



public void calculatePayPerHour(){
    if (heightInInches  >= TALL_INCHES && (weightInPounds <= THIN_POUNDS)) {
        perHourRate = BASE_RATE + TALL_THIN_BONUS;  // Initial assignment

    } else {
        perHourRate = BASE_RATE;  // Initial assignment

    /** Rest of the assignment will be compound assignment, since you
        are now updating the `perHourRate` **/

    if (travel)  {
        perHourRate += TRAVEL_BONUS;
    } // You don't need an else now. Since BASE_RATE is already added

    if (smokes) {
        perHourRate -= SMOKER_DEDUCTION;

10-08 01:30