我真的很喜欢链接 Array.prototype.mapfilterreduce 来定义数据转换。不幸的是,在最近的一个涉及大型日志文件的项目中,我无法再多次循环遍历我的数据......


我想创建一个链接 .filter.map 方法的函数,而不是立即映射数组,而是组成一个循环遍历数据一次的函数。 IE。:

const DataTransformation = () => ({
    map: fn => (/* ... */),
    filter: fn => (/* ... */),
    run: arr => (/* ... */)

const someTransformation = DataTransformation()
    .map(x => x + 1)
    .filter(x => x > 3)
    .map(x => x / 2);

// returns [ 2, 2.5 ] without creating [ 2, 3, 4, 5] and [4, 5] in between
const myData = someTransformation.run([ 1, 2, 3, 4]);


受到 this answerthis blogpost 的启发,我开始编写 Transduce 函数。
const filterer = pred => reducer => (acc, x) =>
    pred(x) ? reducer(acc, x) : acc;

const mapper = map => reducer => (acc, x) =>
    reducer(acc, map(x));

const Transduce = (reducer = (acc, x) => (acc.push(x), acc)) => ({
    map: map => Transduce(mapper(map)(reducer)),
    filter: pred => Transduce(filterer(pred)(reducer)),
    run: arr => arr.reduce(reducer, [])


上面 Transduce 片段的问题在于它“向后”运行......我链接的最后一个方法是第一个执行的:
const someTransformation = Transduce()
    .map(x => x + 1)
    .filter(x => x > 3)
    .map(x => x / 2);

// Instead of [ 2, 2.5 ] this returns []
//  starts with (x / 2)       -> [0.5, 1, 1.5, 2]
//  then filters (x < 3)      -> []
const myData = someTransformation.run([ 1, 2, 3, 4]);





  • 我只是在学习我正在尝试做的一些事情的命名。如果我错误地使用了 Transduce 术语或者是否有更好的方法来描述问题,请告诉我。
  • 我知道我可以使用嵌套的 for 循环来做同样的事情:

  • const push = (acc, x) => (acc.push(x), acc);
    const ActionChain = (actions = []) => {
      const run = arr =>
        arr.reduce((acc, x) => {
          for (let i = 0, action; i < actions.length; i += 1) {
            action = actions[i];
            if (action.type === "FILTER") {
              if (action.fn(x)) {
              return acc;
            } else if (action.type === "MAP") {
              x = action.fn(x);
          return acc;
        }, []);
      const addAction = type => fn =>
        ActionChain(push(actions, { type, fn }));
      return {
        map: addAction("MAP"),
        filter: addAction("FILTER"),
    // Compare to regular chain to check if
    // there's a performance gain
    // Admittedly, in this example, it's quite small...
    const naiveApproach = {
      run: arr =>
          .map(x => x + 3)
          .filter(x => x % 3 === 0)
          .map(x => x / 3)
          .filter(x => x < 40)
    const actionChain = ActionChain()
      .map(x => x + 3)
      .filter(x => x % 3 === 0)
      .map(x => x / 3)
      .filter(x => x < 40)
    const testData = Array.from(Array(100000), (x, i) => i);
    const result1 = naiveApproach.run(testData);
    const result2 = actionChain.run(testData);
    console.log("equal:", JSON.stringify(result1) === JSON.stringify(result2));

  • 这是我在堆栈片段中的尝试:

  • const filterer = pred => reducer => (acc, x) =>
      pred(x) ? reducer(acc, x) : acc;
    const mapper = map => reducer => (acc, x) => reducer(acc, map(x));
    const Transduce = (reducer = (acc, x) => (acc.push(x), acc)) => ({
      map: map => Transduce(mapper(map)(reducer)),
      filter: pred => Transduce(filterer(pred)(reducer)),
      run: arr => arr.reduce(reducer, [])
    const sameDataTransformation = Transduce()
      .map(x => x + 5)
      .filter(x => x % 2 === 0)
      .map(x => x / 2)
      .filter(x => x < 4);
    // It's backwards:
    // [-1, 0, 1, 2, 3]
    // [-0.5, 0, 0.5, 1, 1.5]
    // [0]
    // [5]
    console.log(sameDataTransformation.run([-1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]));



    我明白了,我会安抚你,但你会明白强制你的程序通过链接 API 是不自然的,而且在大多数情况下比它值得的麻烦更多。

    问题确实出在您的 Transduce 构造函数上。您的 mapfilter 方法将 mappred 堆叠在传感器链的外部,而不是将它们嵌套在内部。

    下面,我已经实现了您的 Transduce API,它以正确的顺序评估 map 和过滤器。我还添加了一个 log 方法,以便我们可以看到 Transduce 的行为

    const Transduce = (f = k => k) => ({
      map: g =>
        Transduce(k =>
          f ((acc, x) => k(acc, g(x)))),
      filter: g =>
        Transduce(k =>
          f ((acc, x) => g(x) ? k(acc, x) : acc)),
      log: s =>
        Transduce(k =>
          f ((acc, x) => (console.log(s, x), k(acc, x)))),
      run: xs =>
        xs.reduce(f((acc, x) => acc.concat(x)), [])
    const foo = nums => {
      return Transduce()
        .log('greater than 2?')
        .filter(x => x > 2)
        .map(x => x * x)
        .log('\t\tless than 30?')
        .filter(x => x < 30)
    // keep square(n), forall n of nums
    //   where n > 2
    //   where square(n) < 30
    // => [ 9, 16, 25 ]


    在阅读我写的那个答案时,您忽略了 Trans 的通用质量,因为它是在那里写的。在这里,我们的 Transduce 只尝试处理数组,但实际上它可以处理任何具有空值 ( [] ) 和 concat 方法的类型。这两个属性组成了一个名为 Monoids 的类别,如果我们不利用转换器处理该类别中任何类型的能力,我们会对自己造成伤害。

    上面,我们在 [] 方法中硬编码了初始累加器 run,但这可能应该作为参数提供——就像我们对 iterable.reduce(reducer, initialAcc) 所做的一样

    除此之外,两种实现本质上是等效的。最大的区别是链接答案中提供的 Trans 实现是 Trans 本身是一个幺半群,但这里的 Transduce 不是。 Transconcat方法中巧妙地实现了换能器的组成,而Transduce(上述)在每种方法中都有混合的组成。使其成为幺半群允许我们以与所有其他幺半群相同的方式对 Trans 进行合理化,而不必将其理解为某些具有独特 mapfilterrun 方法的专门链接接口(interface)。

    我建议从 Trans 构建而不是制作自己的自定义 API


    所以我们学到了统一接口(interface)的宝贵教训,我们明白 Trans 本质上很简单。但是,您仍然需要那个甜蜜的链接 API。好的好的...

    我们将再实现一次 Transduce,但这一次我们将使用 Trans monoid。在这里, Transduce 保存一个 Trans 值而不是一个延续 ( Function )。

    其他一切都保持不变 - foo 进行 1 次微小更改并产生相同的输出。
    // generic transducers
    const mapper = f =>
      Trans(k => (acc, x) => k(acc, f(x)))
    const filterer = f =>
      Trans(k => (acc, x) => f(x) ? k(acc, x) : acc)
    const logger = label =>
      Trans(k => (acc, x) => (console.log(label, x), k(acc, x)))
    // magic chaining api made with Trans monoid
    const Transduce = (t = Trans.empty()) => ({
      map: f =>
      filter: f =>
      log: s =>
      run: (m, xs) =>
        transduce(t, m, xs)
    // when we run, we must specify the type to transduce
    //   .run(Array, nums)
    // instead of
    //   .run(nums)

    展开此代码片段以查看最终实现——当然,您可以跳过定义单独的 mapperfiltererlogger ,而是直接在 Transduce 上定义它们。我认为这读起来更好。

    // Trans monoid
    const Trans = f => ({
      runTrans: f,
      concat: ({runTrans: g}) =>
        Trans(k => f(g(k)))
    Trans.empty = () =>
      Trans(k => k)
    const transduce = (t, m, xs) =>
      xs.reduce(t.runTrans((acc, x) => acc.concat(x)), m.empty())
    // complete Array monoid implementation
    Array.empty = () => []
    // generic transducers
    const mapper = f =>
      Trans(k => (acc, x) => k(acc, f(x)))
    const filterer = f =>
      Trans(k => (acc, x) => f(x) ? k(acc, x) : acc)
    const logger = label =>
      Trans(k => (acc, x) => (console.log(label, x), k(acc, x)))
    // now implemented with Trans monoid
    const Transduce = (t = Trans.empty()) => ({
      map: f =>
      filter: f =>
      log: s =>
      run: (m, xs) =>
        transduce(t, m, xs)
    // this stays exactly the same
    const foo = nums => {
      return Transduce()
        .log('greater than 2?')
        .filter(x => x > 2)
        .map(x => x * x)
        .log('\t\tless than 30?')
        .filter(x => x < 30)
        .run(Array, nums)
    // output is exactly the same
    // => [ 9, 16, 25 ]


    所以我们从一堆 lambda 开始,然后使用幺半群使事情变得更简单。 Trans monoid 提供了明显的优势,因为 monoid 接口(interface)是已知的,并且通用实现非常简单。但是我们很顽固,或者我们有一些目标要实现,而这些目标不是我们设定的——我们决定构建神奇的 Transduce 链接 API,但我们使用坚如磐石的 Trans monoid 来实现,它为我们提供了 Trans 的所有功能,但也保持复杂性很好地划分。


  • Is there any way to make a functions return accessible via a property?
  • Chaining functions and using an anonymous function
  • Pass result of functional chain to function
  • 10-07 23:55