

#include <iostream>
#include <ctime> // for time()
#include <cstdlib> // for srand() and rand()
#include <algorithm>// for swap()
using namespace std;

typedef bool (*pfPointer) (int, int);
void ArraySorter(int, int, pfPointer);
bool Ascending(int, int);
bool Descending(int, int);

int main() {
    cout << "Enter the size of the array: ";
    int nArraySize;
    cin >> nArraySize;

    int *pnArray = new int [nArraySize];

    cout << "Do you want your array to sort in ascending or descending order (a/d)? ";
    char nUserSort;
    cin >> nUserSort;
    cout << '\n';

    if (nUserSort == 'a')
        ArraySorter(pnArray[nArraySize], nArraySize, Descending); //This allows the user to decide whether they want an ascending or descending function
        ArraySorter(pnArray[nArraySize], nArraySize, Ascending);

    //This prints out the array
    for(int qqq = 0; qqq < nArraySize - 1; qqq++)
        cout << pnArray[qqq] << " || ";
    cout << pnArray[nArraySize - 1] << endl;
    delete [] pnArray;
    return 0;

void ArraySorter(int pnArray[], int nArraySize, pfPointer pComparison)
    //Assigns a random number to each value in the array pnArray
    for (int iii = 0; iii< nArraySize; iii++)
        pnArray[iii] = rand();

    // Will change the starting index of the array each time the loop runs through
    for (int nStartIndex = 0; nStartIndex < nArraySize; nStartIndex++)
        // Declares a variable to find the location of the smallest variable in the array
        int nSmallestIndex = nStartIndex;

        // Runs through each array value and finds the smallest one, then registers it
        for (int nCurrentIndex = nSmallestIndex +1; nCurrentIndex < nArraySize; nCurrentIndex++)
            // If the current array value is less than the starting array value, it will log it's location in the array in nSmallestIndex
            if (pComparison(pnArray[nCurrentIndex] , pnArray[nSmallestIndex]))
                nSmallestIndex = nCurrentIndex;
        //Switches the smallest value with the starting value
        swap(pnArray[nStartIndex], pnArray [nSmallestIndex]);


bool Ascending(int nValue1, int nValue2)
    return nValue1 < nValue2; //Will sort the variables from smallest to greatest

bool Descending(int nValue1, int nValue2)
    return nValue1 > nValue2; //Will sort the variables from greatest to smallest

附言我正在运行XCode 6.1.1


ArraySorter的函数原型(prototype)采用(int, int, pfPointer),但函数定义采用(int [], int, pfPointer)

ArraySorter的原型(prototype)更改为(int [], int, pfPointer),并将对ArraySorter的调用更改为ArraySorter(pnArray, nArraySize, Descending)而不是ArraySorter(pnArray[nArraySize], nArraySize, Descending)

10-07 23:37