
void FindNext(){
    //We create an empty Transform variable
    // to store the next cell in.
    Transform next;
    //List for the current cell's adjacents
    List<Transform> curAdjacents;
    //List for an element's adjacents
    List<Transform> eleAdjacents;
    //Number variable for while loop
    int num = 1;
    //Perform this loop
    // While:
    //  The proposed next gameObject's AdjacentsOpened
    //   is less than or equal to 2.
    //   This is to ensure the maze-like structure.
        //We'll initially assume that each sub-list of AdjSet is empty
        // and try to prove that assumption false in the for loop.
        // This boolean value will keep track.
        bool empty = true;
        //We'll also take a note of which list is the Lowest,
        // and store it in this variable.
        int lowestList = 0;
        for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++){
            //We loop through each sub-list in the AdjSet list of
            // lists, until we find one with a count of more than 0.
            // If there are more than 0 items in the sub-list,
            // it is not empty.
            //We then stop the loop by using the break keyword;
            // We've found the lowest sub-list, so there is no need
            // to continue searching.
            lowestList = i;
            if(AdjSet[i].Count > 0){
                empty = false;
        //There is a chance that none of the sub-lists of AdjSet will
        // have any items in them.
        //If this happens, then we have no more cells to open, and
        // are done with the maze production.
            //If we finish, as stated and determined above,
            // display a message to the DebugConsole
            // that includes how many seconds it took to finish.
            Debug.Log("We're Done, "+Time.timeSinceLevelLoad+" seconds taken");
            //Then, cancel our recursive invokes of the FindNext function,
            // as we're done with the maze.
            //If we allowed the invokes to keep going, we will receive an error.
            //Set.Count-1 is the index of the last element in Set,
            // or the last cell we opened.
            //This will be marked as the end of our maze, and so
            // we mark it red.
            Set[Set.Count-1].renderer.material.color = Color.red;
            //Every cell in the grid that is not in the set
            // will be moved one unit up and turned black.
            // (I changed the default color from black to clear earlier).
            // If you instantiate a FirstPersonController in the maze now,
            // you can actually try walking through it.
            // It's really hard.
            foreach(Transform cell in Grid){
                    cell.renderer.material.color = Color.black;
        //If we did not finish, then:
        // 1. Use the smallest sub-list in AdjSet
        //     as found earlier with the lowestList
        //     variable.
        // 2. With that smallest sub-list, take the first
        //     element in that list, and use it as the 'next'.
        next = AdjSet[lowestList][0];
        curAdjacents = next.GetComponent<CellScript>().Adjacents;
        //Since we do not want the same cell in both AdjSet and Set,
        // remove this 'next' variable from AdjSet.

        //This is code I'm trying to use to solve the issue
        //When I run it though it makes all but the first and last,
        //square white. It is supposed to NOT break if one of the current,
        //cell's adjacents cells has an adjacent cell that has already,
        //been made white. I don't know what's wrong with this code.
        //foreach(Transform element in curAdjacents){
            //eleAdjacents = element.GetComponent<CellScript>().Adjacents;
            //foreach(Transform elem in eleAdjacents){
                    //num = 0;
    }while(next.GetComponent<CellScript>().AdjacentsOpened >= 2 && num == 1);
    //The 'next' transform's material color becomes white.
    next.renderer.material.color = Color.white;
    //We add this 'next' transform to the Set our function.
    //Recursively call this function as soon as this function
    // finishes.
    Invoke("FindNext", 0);





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10-07 20:18