我需要一些现代 C# 代码来检查澳大利亚商业号码 (ABN) 是否有效。
在 abr.business.gov.au 中指定了验证数字的确切规则,为了简洁和清晰起见,这里省略了这些规则。规则不会随着时间而改变。
这是基于 Nick Harris's 示例,但经过清理以使用现代 C# 习惯用法
/// <summary>
/// http://stackoverflow.com/questions/38781377
/// 1. Subtract 1 from the first (left) digit to give a new eleven digit number
/// 2. Multiply each of the digits in this new number by its weighting factor
/// 3. Sum the resulting 11 products
/// 4. Divide the total by 89, noting the remainder
/// 5. If the remainder is zero the number is valid
/// </summary>
public bool IsValidAbn(string abn)
abn = abn?.Replace(" ", ""); // strip spaces
int[] weight = { 10, 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15, 17, 19 };
int weightedSum = 0;
//0. ABN must be 11 digits long
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(abn) || !Regex.IsMatch(abn, @"^\d{11}$"))
return false;
//Rules: 1,2,3
for (int i = 0; i < weight.Length; i++)
weightedSum += (int.Parse(abn[i].ToString()) - (i == 0 ? 1 : 0)) * weight[i];
//Rules: 4,5
return weightedSum % 89 == 0;
额外的 xUnit 测试让您的技术负责人感到高兴...
[InlineData("33 102 417 032", true)]
[InlineData("29002589460", true)]
[InlineData("33 102 417 032asdfsf", false)]
[InlineData("444", false)]
[InlineData(null, false)]
public void IsValidAbn(string abn, bool expectedValidity)
var sut = GetSystemUnderTest();
Assert.True(sut.IsValidAbn(abn) == expectedValidity);