我正在尝试在 Dynamic room pricing model for hotel revenue management systems 上构建白皮书的实现。如果此链接将来失效,我将在此处粘贴相关部分:
python - 根据 Python mystic 中的条件最大化总和-LMLPHP


# magical lookup table that returns demand based on those inputs
# this will eventually be a db lookup against past years rental activity and not hardcoded to a specific value
def demand(dateFirstNight, duration):
    return 1

# magical function that fetches the price we have allocated for a room on this date to existing customers
# this should be a db lookup against previous stays, and not hardcoded to a specific value
def getPrice(date):
    return 75

# Typical room base price
# Defined as: Nominal price of the hotel (usually the average historical price)
nominalPrice = 89

# from the white paper, but perhaps needs to be adjusted in the future using the methods they explain
priceElasticity = 2

# this is an adjustable constant it depends how far forward we want to look into the future when optimizing the prices
# likely this will effect how long this will take to run, so it will be a balancing game with regards to accuracy vs runtime
numberOfDays = 30

def roomsAlocated(dateFirstNight, duration)
    roomPriceSum = 0.0
    for date in range(dateFirstNight, dateFirstNight+duration-1):
        roomPriceSum += getPrice(date)

    return demand(dateFirstNight, duration) * (roomPriceSum/(nominalPrice*duration))**priceElasticity

def roomsReserved(date):
    # find all stays that contain this date, this

def maximizeRevenue(dateFirstNight):
    # we are inverting the price sum which is to be maximized because mystic only does minimization
    # and when you minimize the inverse you are maximizing!
    return (sum([getPrice(date)*roomsReserved(date) for date in range(dateFirstNight, dateFirstNight+numberOfDays)]))**-1

def constraint(x): # Ol - totalNumberOfRoomsInHotel <= 0
    return roomsReserved(date) - totalNumberOfRoomsInHotel

from mystic.penalty import quadratic_inequality
@quadratic_inequality(constraint, k=1e4)
def penalty(x):
  return 0.0

from mystic.solvers import diffev2
from mystic.monitors import VerboseMonitor
mon = VerboseMonitor(10)

bounds = [0,1e4]*numberOfDays
result = diffev2(maximizeRevenue, x0=bounds, penalty=penalty, npop=10, gtol=200, disp=False, full_output=True, itermon=mon, maxiter=M*N*100)

任何熟悉与 mystic 合作的人都可以就如何实现这一点给我一些建议吗?



我们首先构建一个 hotel 类:

This file is 'hotel.py'
import math

class hotel(object):
    def __init__(self, rooms, price_ave, price_elastic):
        self.rooms = rooms
        self.price_ave = price_ave
        self.price_elastic = price_elastic

    def profit(self, P):
        # assert len(P) == len(self.rooms)
        return sum(j * self._reserved(P, i) for i,j in enumerate(P))

    def remaining(self, P): # >= 0
        C = self.rooms
        # assert len(P) == C
        return [C[i] - self._reserved(P, i) for i,j in enumerate(P)]

    def _reserved(self, P, day):
        max_days = len(self.rooms)
        As = range(0, day)
        return sum(self._allocated(P, a, L) for a in As
                   for L in range(day-a+1, max_days+1))

    def _allocated(self, P, a, L):
        P_nom = self.price_ave
        e = self.price_elastic
        return math.ceil(self._demand(a, L)*(sum(P[a:a+L])/(P_nom*L))**e)

    def _demand(self, a,L): #XXX: fictional non-constant demand function
        return abs(1-a)/L + 2*(a**2)/L**2

这是使用 mystic 解决它的一种方法:
This file is 'local.py'
n_days = 7
n_rooms = 50
P_nom = 85
P_bounds = 0,None
P_elastic = 2

import hotel
h = hotel.hotel([n_rooms]*n_days, P_nom, P_elastic)

def objective(price, hotel):
    return -hotel.profit(price)

def constraint(price, hotel): # <= 0
    return -min(hotel.remaining(price))

bounds = [P_bounds]*n_days
guess = [P_nom]*n_days

import mystic as my

@my.penalty.quadratic_inequality(constraint, kwds=dict(hotel=h))
def penalty(x):
    return 0.0

# using a local optimizer, starting from the nominal price
solver = my.solvers.fmin
mon = my.monitors.VerboseMonitor(100)

kwds = dict(disp=True, full_output=True, itermon=mon,
            args=(h,),  xtol=1e-8, ftol=1e-8, maxfun=10000, maxiter=2000)
result = solver(objective, guess, bounds=bounds, penalty=penalty, **kwds)

print([round(i,2) for i in result[0]])

>$ python local.py
Generation 0 has Chi-Squared: -4930.000000
Generation 100 has Chi-Squared: -22353.444547
Generation 200 has Chi-Squared: -22410.402420
Generation 300 has Chi-Squared: -22411.780268
Generation 400 has Chi-Squared: -22413.908944
Generation 500 has Chi-Squared: -22477.869093
Generation 600 has Chi-Squared: -22480.144244
Generation 700 has Chi-Squared: -22480.280379
Generation 800 has Chi-Squared: -22485.563188
Generation 900 has Chi-Squared: -22485.564265
Generation 1000 has Chi-Squared: -22489.341602
Generation 1100 has Chi-Squared: -22489.345912
Generation 1200 has Chi-Squared: -22489.351219
Generation 1300 has Chi-Squared: -22491.994305
Generation 1400 has Chi-Squared: -22491.994518
Generation 1500 has Chi-Squared: -22492.061127
Generation 1600 has Chi-Squared: -22492.573672
Generation 1700 has Chi-Squared: -22492.573690
Generation 1800 has Chi-Squared: -22492.622064
Generation 1900 has Chi-Squared: -22492.622230
Optimization terminated successfully.
         Current function value: -22492.622230
         Iterations: 1926
         Function evaluations: 3346
STOP("CandidateRelativeTolerance with {'xtol': 1e-08, 'ftol': 1e-08}")
[1.15, 20.42, 20.7, 248.1, 220.56, 41.4, 160.09]

This file is 'global.py'
n_days = 7
n_rooms = 50
P_nom = 85
P_bounds = 0,None
P_elastic = 2

import hotel
h = hotel.hotel([n_rooms]*n_days, P_nom, P_elastic)

def objective(price, hotel):
    return -hotel.profit(price)

def constraint(price, hotel): # <= 0
    return -min(hotel.remaining(price))

bounds = [P_bounds]*n_days
guess = [P_nom]*n_days

import mystic as my

@my.penalty.quadratic_inequality(constraint, kwds=dict(hotel=h))
def penalty(x):
    return 0.0

# try again using a global optimizer
solver = my.solvers.diffev
mon = my.monitors.VerboseMonitor(100)

kwds = dict(disp=True, full_output=True, itermon=mon, npop=40,
            args=(h,),  gtol=250, ftol=1e-8, maxfun=30000, maxiter=2000)
result = solver(objective, bounds, bounds=bounds, penalty=penalty, **kwds)

print([round(i,2) for i in result[0]])

>$ python global.py
Generation 0 has Chi-Squared: 3684702.124765
Generation 100 has Chi-Squared: -36493.709890
Generation 200 has Chi-Squared: -36650.498677
Generation 300 has Chi-Squared: -36651.722841
Generation 400 has Chi-Squared: -36651.733274
Generation 500 has Chi-Squared: -36651.733322
Generation 600 has Chi-Squared: -36651.733361
Generation 700 has Chi-Squared: -36651.733361
Generation 800 has Chi-Squared: -36651.733361
STOP("ChangeOverGeneration with {'tolerance': 1e-08, 'generations': 250}")
Optimization terminated successfully.
         Current function value: -36651.733361
         Iterations: 896
         Function evaluations: 24237
[861.07, 893.88, 398.68, 471.4, 9.44, 0.0, 244.67]

我认为为了产生更合理的定价,我会将 P_bounds 值更改为更合理的值。

关于python - 根据 Python mystic 中的条件最大化总和,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/48088516/

10-12 16:54